FactionChat v1.625
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UploadedAug 8, 2013
Size50.72 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.6.2
- 1.6.1
- 1.5.2
FactionChat Change Log
version 1.625
- bugfix: colour codes in messages now requires the permission "essentials.chat.color" (without quotes)
- added recruit tag in chat
- you can now customize Your chat mode has been changed to: "Faction" to Your chat mode has been changed to: "Kingdom" or what ever you like, see "ChatModeChange:" in line 77ish in cong.yml
- Added a "FactionsCommand" in config in case you use a different letter for faction, e.g. /k chat
version 1.624
- in config you can now enable/disable Truce and Ally-truce chat
- /fchatao is now /fchata and /fchata is now /fchatat
version 1.623
- Ranks are now customizable in config - Plugin should automatically re-add Config
version 1.6221
bugfix: messages not appearing due to change in config (plugin will now automatically reload config)
version 1.622
bug fix: role.isAtLeast(Rel.recuit) changed to role.isAtLeast(Rel.MEMBER)
version 1.621
- Chat mode now uses HashMap (should be a lot faster than old method)
version 1.620
- tested and supports bukkit 1.6.2
- ally chat is now Ally&Truce and ally only is ally chat
- you are now able to cycle to truce,ally,and ally&truce chat
- changed the Chat priority a tad so it has a less chance of bypassing spam/chat filters
- removed the auto-update. to update please use /fc update
- added a API : nz.co.lolnet.james137137.FactionChat.FactionChatAPI.java.
//example of my API import nz.co.lolnet.james137137.FactionChat.FactionChatAPI FactionChatAPI api = new FactionChatAPI(); String factionName = api.getFactionName(player); String playerChatMode = api.getChatMode(player);
version 1.610
- Fully tested on 1.6.1 and works perfectly
- added Truce chat /fc t or /ft [message]
- added Ally-Only Chat /fc ao or /fao [message]
version 1.529
- supports Factions 2.0
version 1.528
- Messages are more customizable
- plugin is uses even less cpu
- plugin should work with minecraft 1.6
version 1.52701
- Advertising feature.removed. (Only curse/bukkit can advertise)
version 1.527
- bug fixes: config file.
- added a Advertising feature. more details on Main Page
version 1.5261
- quick bug fix: Admin and mod chat are now enabled correctly
version 1.526
- added a scoreboard team chat /fc UHC
- a few bug fixes.
version 1.525
- added permission so you are able to disable factionchat and allychat (negate the permission)
version 1.524
- null problem with the config file on reload();
version 1.523
- bug fix: Plugin can now correctly disable certain Chat Modes
version 1.522
- bug fix: permission node for Factionchat.admin.info/change
version 1.521
- bug fix: permission node for Factionchat.admin.
- when /fcadmin change, target player doesn't receive message
version 1.52
- added a /fcadmin command that allow you to change someone chat mode and view info of them
version 1.51
- added title in chat.
- plugin should be using less memory/cpu (it was very low before too)
- Config file now has some comments to explain each feature (I hope it helps)
- added a userassistant channel
version 1.5
- now supports /f chat <option> or /f c <option>
version 1.43
- supports Java 6
version 1.42
- compiled and works with Factions 1.8.2 and bukkit 1.5.2
- Plugin gets the Faction Name quicker and better now
full change log please see http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/factionchat/pages/change-log/
none found by me. (please report any)