FactionChat v1.25
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UploadedMar 22, 2013
Size67.85 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.5.1
- 1.5.0
- 1.4.7
FactionChat Change Log
version 1.25
added EnemyChat (/fc e or /fc enemy)
version 1.24
- Tested and works for bukkit 1.5
- added new command /fc reload to reload plugin in game (only player's chat mode at the moment). Permission: FactionChat.Reload
- tidied up the plugin.yml a bit (using aliases)
version 1.23
- added new command /fc update to update plugin in game. Permission: FactionChat.Update
version 1.22
- added autoupdate - and it can be disabled by conf file
- you can now customize the colour of the messages like modchat and adminchat
version 1.2
- Ally-chat messages are now visible to truce
version 1.12
- changed "mod-Chat" to "Mod-Chat" (very minor error) http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/factionchat/?comment=69
version 1.11
bug fixes:
- some messages were "null" due to miss typing in the code
version 1.1
- multi language supported and messages can be changed in conf file so far: English, french and german Defualt in conf MessageLanguage: english
version 1.03
- added mcstats feature
version 1.02
- added console log of player chat in Faction, ally and other
version 1.0
- First release (release version)
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