Supported Bukkit Versions
- Added error messages for version incompatibility
- Fixed mobPerFaction config option
- Setting to 0 or less now means no limit
- Added excludeFromKillCommands config option
- Setting to true should exclude faction mobs from commands with the word "kill" in them, such as /lagg killmobs
- Added runKeepAliveTask config option
- Will run a task that prevents faction mobs from being killed by other plugins, such as area protection
- May cause lag
- Gave all faction mobs metadata tags NPC and CustomEntity, for better compatibility with other plugins
- Fixed Swordsman AI
- Will now respond to orders as normal
- Now uses Skeleton AI instead of PigZombie
- Fixed Archer and Swordsman default damage
- Swordsman default damage reduced to 2 from 5, please edit your config if you wish to change this