About this Plugin
This prison mine plugin has an easy setup that doesn't require anything! All you have to do is /mines wand and then select 2 blocks then do /mines create <name>! This plugin also supports a interface that shows you when the mine will: reset, show the reset delay, the blocks, and the precent of blocks left inside the mine.
- mine
- pmine
- prisonmine
- prisonmines
- ezmine
- ezmines
- ezm
- /mines create <mine> - (Permission: EzMines.create)
- Creates a mine from the two points you selected from the prison-mine wand.
- /mines delete <mine> - (Permission: EzMines.delete)
- Deletes a mine
- /mines info <mine> - (Permission: EzMines.info)
- Shows you an interface with all the mines blocks, reset delay, when it will reset, and the percent of blocks that are still in the mine.
- /mines list - (Permission: EzMines.list)
- Shows you all the defined mines
- /mines wand - (Permission: EzMines.wand)
- Gives you the prison mine wand
- /mines reload - (Permission: EzMines.reload)
- Reloads the plugin
- /mines delay <mine> <time in seconds> - (Permission: EzMines.delay)
- Sets the delay for the mine
- /mines reset <mine> - (Permission: EzMines.reset)
- Resets the mine
- /mines set <mine> <block> <percentage with % sign> - (Permission: EzMines.set)
- Adds a block to the mine
- User-Friendly interactive interface(gui)
- Mine resets if it's blocks remaining percentage is below the one defined in config
- 100% configurable messages
- Option for reset delays
- Random generated patterns
- Comment your ideas below
- None current found
- If you come across a bug make a ticket or comment
It has been tested for 1.8.* - 1.9.* (It may work on 1.7.* and 1.10.*)
- config.yml - http://pastebin.com/r2idcQpf
- messages.yml - http://pastebin.com/pTAbDZbR