

EzWarnings is a simple and easy to use warning system. This the perfect easy warning system you have been looking for! This plugin is great for servers to easily warn their players. You can set custom warnings, custom punishments, and more!

With the 3.0 update, you can customize this plugin even more! You not only can send a message when a player gets warned/punished, you can run commands, privately message a player, and much more!

Shoutout to that 1 guy running EZW on a mac... (click)

This plugin depends on CS-CoreLib, and it will be automatically downloaded when you install this plugin.

Warnings in action

Commands and Permissions

/warn <player> <reason>Warn a player, with custom warnings defined in the config.warnings.warn
/warnings <player>Shows your punishments and warnings, and if you add a player argument, shows the warnings and punishments of that player.
Alias: /punishments
warnings.view for yourself, warnings.view.others for others.
/setwarnings <player> [amount]Set the amount of warnings for a player. If no amount is specified, it will default to 0.
Aliases: /resetwarnings, /setw
/setpunishments <player> [amount]Set the amount of punishments for a player. If no amount is specified, it will default to 0.
Aliases: /resetpunishments, /setp


warnings: ## Warnings configuration.
  others: ## Configure actions when there isn't a configuration section for the current number of warnings
    actions: ## Notice there is no final option, you dont have to have it.
    - '[warnbroadcast]'
    - '[msg] %player% You have been warned for %reason%!'
  '3': ## Configure actions for when the user reaches 3 warnings.
    final: true ## Is this the final warning? AKA Should the warning amount reset for the player on this warning?
    - '[warnbroadcast]'
    - '[punish] %player%'

    - '[punishbroadcast]'
    - '[consolecmd] mute %player% 10m'
    - '[msg] %player% &cYou were warned 3 times, so you are now muted for 10 minutes.'
    final: true
    - '[punishbroadcast]'
    - '[consolecmd] ban %player% You have already been punished 3 times!'

warning-types: ## Define your warning types here, only 1 word though!
- swearing
- caps
- offense
- ddos_threats
- racisim
- abuse

log-to-console: true ## Do you want to log broadcasts to console?

  auto-update: true ## Auto Update (recommended)?


Actions that can be used in both sections:

  • [consolecmd] <command>
  • [msg] %player% <message>
  • [punish] %player%

Actions that can only be used in warnings section:

  • [warningbroadcast]

Actions that can only be used in punishments section:

  • [punishbroadcast]

API for Developers

You can find a description of the awesome API here.

Comment below if you want your plugin listed as a plugin using the API!

How to install

  1. Download the plugin
  2. Drag & drop it into your plugins folder
  3. Restart your server
  4. Wait for CS-CoreLib to be downloaded
  5. Restart your server
  6. Enjoy the ease of warning players!

Auto Updater & Metrics

Since v2.0 Beta2, this plugin uses an Auto updater, to make sure you're using the best version of my plugin. If you would like to opt-out, set config -> options -> auto-update: false.
You can check what version of the plugin you are using by doing /version EzWarnings.

This plugin also uses a Metrics-System which collects information to use for statistics. See more information about this here.

You can opt-out of this service can be done by going to plugins/Plugin Metrics/config.yml and set opt-out: true.

Upcoming Features

  • Total warnings/punishments stored in a file

Have any ideas? Put them in the comments below!


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