
This really needs to be elaborated on, and I will probably be including notes from ReVurb's configuration example, but until then, here is my configuration file as posted on github.

# Tells eXPra if you are using a permissions system.
use-permissions: true
# eXPra will not award any XP in worlds listed below. Other effects will remain, though.
    - noxpforyou
    - TehCheater
# What percentage of levels should be lost upon player death?
death-percent-loss: 100
# Should we player death cause experience to drop at all?
player-xp-drop: true
# Default rates and experience award amounts.
    # Amount and rate to give by default for placing blocks.
    block-place: 1@20
    # Amount and rate to give by default for breaking blocks.
    block-break: 1@20
    # Amount and rate to give by default for fishing.
    fishing: 1@1
    # Amount given for lighting areas.
    lighting: 1@10
    # Amount given for taming wolves.
    taming: 5@1
# The rates and amounts for specific blocks and actions.
    # crops
    - 59=1@5
    # melon
    - 104=1@5
    - 105=1@5
    # saplings
    - 6=1@5
    # cake
    - 92=10@1
    # sugar cane
    - 83=1@6
    # cactus
    - 81=1@6
    # tall grass
    - 31=1@15
    # diamond ore
    - 56=3@1
    # lapis ore
    - 21=4@1
    # obsidian
    - 49=1@1
    # iron ore
    - 15=2@2
    # gold ore
    - 14=2@2
    # redstone ore
    - 73=2@2
    - 74=2@2
    # coal ore
    - 16=1@3
    # melon
    - 103=1@3
    # sugar cane
    - 83=1@40
    # mob spawner
    - 52=10@1


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