Plugin Description
File has been removed due to lack of funding support to keep it updated.
What is ExplosivePick?
- ExplosivePick is a plugin that allows you to have a Pickaxe with an explosive power. This plugin is great for Donor Pickaxes in Bukkit Servers!
How to install
- Its realy simple, you just need to download the Plugin, place it on your plugins folder and then restart your server!
Is this plugin compatible with WorldGuard?
- Yes, ExplosivePick is not only compatible with WorldGuard, it depends of WorldGuard! So, to have this plugin in your server, you must have WorldGuard Plugin.
Version: 1.0 #Do not edit this field PickaxeName: '&6ExplosivePick' #Write here the custom pickaxe name (support color codes) GetMessage: '&8[&bExplosivePick&8] &aEnjoy your new pickaxe' #Message that you get when you do /epget ReloadMessage: '&8[&bExplosivePick&8] &aConfig reloaded' #Message that you get when you do /epreload
WARNING: The name of the Pickaxe, 'PickaxeName Field', must be unique, otherwise the plugin will work incorrectly!
Commands and Permissions
- /epreload - Reloads de Plugin Config - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ep.reload
- /epget - Gives you the Pickaxe with the Custom Name - - - - - - ep.get
How to put this pickaxe in Essentials Kits
- Its really easy, you just need to create a Kit with a Diamond Pickaxe, with the name that you have putted in the PickaxeName Field in config.yml
Credits and Demo
- First off all, i want to thank my friend xGust09 for helping me to develop this plugin.
- If you want to see this plugin in action, visit the PrisonBreak of play.plussycraft.net [Portuguese Minecraft Server].
Also Check ...
- BreakBonus, created by xGust09
- SmeltersPick, created by BrankoPT (me)
Hi, any chance this can be updated to latest version 1.10.2 please ?
I just test it out, and even in my server (play.plussycraft.net) the donor pickaxe has efficiency and it works well... maybe its a bug in your server bro.
Chr1s sorry for the late reply... if u didnt get it yet, you need to define a region where player's can break the stuff, if you put the bedrock outside that region it wont break, but if its inside it will break. Maybe I can put a option in config to allow/deny bedrock break.
so I gave it efficentcy and it breaks worldguard can u fix this?
Is there anyway to stop the pick from exploding bedrock???
Yes ArmyStich, to use the pickaxe, the area where the player is mining needs to have build allow setting in the region you want.
Hello Why cant Non OP people use the pick? is it a world guard thing?
Does this plugin work with 1.8? Also, can you update this plugin so that it does not explode bedrock or obsidian when you mine a block next to it?
Maybe you can add a command in the config file so you can change the radius! :)
That would be great.. because im starting a prison server! :) And if you can add radius on the plugin it will be the best plugin ever.