ExperienceWithdraw is a plugin where users can withdraw their exp and put it into an Xp Bottle, and throw it down to add it back(similar to CosmicPVP).
- /xpwithdraw <amount> - Withdraws the amount of xp specified by user.(<amount> is in experience points, not experience levels)
- /xpamount - Tells you how much experience points you have.
- /xpamount - Tells you how much experience points the specified user has.(Defaults to OPs)
- /xpreload - Reloads the config file (Defaults to OPs)
- experiencewithdraw.withdraw(Defaults to everyone in v1.2)
- experiencewithdraw.amount(Defaults to everyone in v1.2)
- experiencewithdraw.amount.others(Defaults to OPs)
- experiencewithdraw.xpreload(Defaults to OPs)
To Do List
Add a lore on withdrawn xp bottles to specify the player who withdrew it.*Done!(v1.1)Make in-game stuff prettier.*Doable now with the config fileImplement a command that tells you how much experience points you have.*Done!(v1.2)Make /xpwithdraw and /xpamount default to all users and /xpamount [username] default to OPs.*Done!(v1.2)Fix some NullExceptionPointers.*Done!(v1.3)Fix bug where when you right click on doors or trapdoors with withdrawn xp bottles it gives you infinite xp.*Done!9v1.4)
Known Bugs
- Normal Experience Bottles doesn't work.
Download Achievements(Both BukkitDev and Spigot)
1000 Downloads1250 Downloads1500 Downloads1750 Downloads2000 Downloads
- Credits to desht for ExperienceManager(https://github.com/desht/dhutils/blob/master/Lib/src/main/java/me/desht/dhutils/ExperienceManager.java)
- Credits to tr7zw for Item NBT API(https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/item-nbt-api.7939/)
does this work with 1.19?
Does this work with 1.11?
I will be updated shortly, thanks for the support!
is it possible to have command: /xpwithdraw max ?
I will update this project very soon
Thanks for your feedback, the bug has been fixed in the latest release.
I can withdraw NEGATIVE XP so I can throw the XP bottle which withdraw negative xp and gain unlimited xp. I don't know whether it will happen in other languages, but while I use the plugin in Chinese, the bug happens.(I think that language can not affect the plugin)
Hello, thanks for the feedback, I will fix the bugs and possibly add the feature that you want in the next release.
First, this plugin is awesome, thanks. I have discovered what I believe to be a bug. When you take a bottle in your hand and right click either a door or trapdoor or button etc. the bottle is never thrown and therefore is infinite exp.
By the way: Please make the plugin msg's editable as well as the xpbottle names.
Thanks for the awesome plugin!