
Paste into ExperienceMod\config.yml:

# To simulate 1.3, consider how much experience one would need to enchant 
# at the highest level. In 1.2 and below, this number is 4625 exp, which
# is at level 50. For the most recent snapshop (12w23a), this has been 
# changed to 825 experience (level 30). Thus, we need to multiply 
# experience gain by a factor of 4625 / 825 = 5.61
# Note: In 12w23a, experience gain is linear at 1 - 17. The leveling will 
#       not match up in rate, but the total amount of time should be 
#       similar.
multiplier: 5.61
default rewards disabled: false
reward type: experience

# No changes from 1.2

  coal ore:
    block source: [3, 9]
  lapis ore:
    block source: [3, 9]
  redstone ore:
    block source: [3, 9]
  glowing redstone ore:
    block source: [3, 9]
  diamond ore:
    block source: [3, 9]
    smelting result: [3, 9]
  wool dye|4: # Smelting lapis blocks
    smelting result: [3, 9]
    smelting result: [3, 9]
    smelting result: [3, 9]
  iron ingot:
    smelting result: 1
  gold ingot:
    smelting result: 1

# Achievement rewards hasn't been revealed yet.