List of services/mods that can be disabled:
Name | Purpose |
Standard | The standard message system. Gives access to the global, world and private channels when HeroChat is unavailable. |
HeroChat | Provides access to HeroChat channels. |
Economy | Makes it possible to reward using currency. |
Virtual | Makes it possible to directly reward experience, instead of spawning orbs. |
Experience | Makes it possible to reward experience through orbs. |
LogBlock | Gives access to LogBlock and its database. |
HawkEye | Gives access to HawkEye and its database. |
Memory | Stores block changes in memory. The size of the registry can be configured. |
In addtion, ExperienceBridgeMod adds the following services:
Name | Purpose |
Build Craft | Adds the automatic crafting table from BuildCraft. |
Equivalent Exchange | Adds the transmutation table from EE. |
Industrial Craft 2 | Adds IC2 processors and furnaces. |
Industrial Extensions | Adds the rotary macerator, singularity compressor and centrifuge compressor. |
Rail Craft | Adds Rail Craft ovens and furnaces. |
Red Power 2 | Adds RP2 furnaces and project table. |