ExperienceMod 2.6.0
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UploadedFeb 10, 2013
Size391.28 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.4.7-R1.0
This bug fix update is LONG overdue. I essentially lost interest in the project back in September, so I only kept the snapshots up to date.
Special thanks to prplz for this awesome work. :)
- Add the ability to escape characters in messages.
- Added the ability to set a message on every reward.
- Added the ability to specify messages with multiple channels.
- Added skeleton type, allowing mob queries to select wither skeletons.
- Added the ability to disable smelting experience directly in Bukkit. No more NoExperienceMod.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug preventing experience from being correctly subtracted
- Added a null check in the emote messages handler.
- Fixed a number of small errors found by FindBugs.
- Reverted to the standard drop experience system for certain events.
- Don't change the desired level rate when it's not set.
- Merging in changes from ProtocolLib.
- Ignore UnsupportedOperationExceptions from iChat.
- If configured, the killer of a mob should recieve the message.
Fixes and features thanks to prplz
- Fix an issue preventing the extracted item count from being recognized.
- Fix incorrect calculation in player exp lookup tables
- Fixed CURRENCY player parameter not working
- Added currency subtraction on player death.
- Prevent stacking of different amount itemstack by using display names
- Fixed groups matching was broken
- Change item pickup sound and cleanup economy items on disable