Expanded Phantoms

This plugin allows you to specify the size of Phantoms that spawn or completely stop them from spawning. You can either set the plugin to select a random size or specify a size for the Phantoms to spawn as. Additionally, it allows you to adjust the damage done by Phantoms to be consistent no matter the size since larger Phantoms do more damage. The damage is set to the amount done by normal (size 0) Phantoms.


All commands use the prefix "exphantoms" to easily use the commands. A full permissions system is in place to allow players to change the size, view the size, and others.



/exphantoms enable: Enables the plugin.

/exphantoms disable: Disables the plugin. This keeps the plugin from affecting any events on the server.

/exphantoms status: Returns whether the plugin is enabled or disabled.

/exphantoms size [size / "random"]: Sets the size of Phantoms to spawn. You can enter a size from 0-64 (any numbers larger than 64 will be set to 64 , the largest possible in the game). Use "random" to have the plugin randomly choose a size.

/exphantoms normalizeddamage ["true" / "false" / "status"]: Enables or disables the setting of all damage by Phantoms to the default done by Size 0 Phantoms. Additionally, returns whether or not Normalized Damage is enabled or disabled.

/exphantoms  canspawn ["true" / "false" / ""]: Toggles whether phantoms are allowed to spawn. Note that this affects all spawning instances, including the use of commands and spawn eggs. Additionally, returns whether or not phantoms are allowed to spawn.



Expanded_Phantoms.enabledisable: Allows the player to enable or disable the plugin.

Expanded_Phantoms.status: Allows the player to check whether the plugin is currently enabled or disabled.

Expanded_Phantoms.changesize: Allows the player to set the size of Phantoms that spawn.

Expanded_Phantoms.size: Allows the player to check the current spawning size of Phantoms.

Expanded_Phantoms.staticdamage: Allows the player to change whether or not all damage done by Phantoms is standardized.

Expanded_Phantoms.staticdamagestatus: Allows the player to check whether Normalized Damage is currently enabled or disabled.

Expanded_Phantoms.canspawn: Allows the player to set whether or not phantoms can spawn.


This plugin requires 1.13 or later, as it uses 1.13 mobs. Although untested for 1.14 and later, it is likely that it will still work.


Upcoming Changes

  • Rework the errors that are given so that they more accurately reflect the commands
  • Add the ability to let phantoms spawn randomly even when players have slept


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