Exotic Garden v1.3.1
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UploadedMay 16, 2015
Size57.28 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.8.1
- 1.8
- CB 1.7.9-R0.2
Version 1.3.1
+ Added Blueberry Muffin
+ Added Chocolate Chip Muffin
- Bug Fixes
Fixed Error occuring when right clicking AIR
Version 1.3.0
+ Added Cabbage
+ Added Lime Tree
+ Added Bacon
+ Added Bacon Sandwich
+ Added Taco
+ Added Fish Taco
+ Added Pancakes
+ Added Blueberry Pancakes
+ Added Fries
+ Added Popcorn
+ Added Shepard's Pie
+ Added Chicken Pot Pie
+ Added Chocolate Cake
+ Added Cream Cookie
- ExoticGarden Items are now 3D Player Skulls
This Version requires CS-CoreLib v1.0.25+ and Slimefun v3.4.0+
If some Items appear as generic Player Skulls, please read
version 1.2.7
+ Added Auto Updater and Metrics System since I do seem to be updating this every so often
Version 1.2.6
- Bug Fixes
Fixed Crook Durability not going down
Version 1.2.5
+ Added Tea Leaf
+ Added Lemon Iced Tea
+ Added Raspberry Iced Tea
+ Added Strawberry Iced Tea
+ Added Cherry Iced Tea
+ Added Thai Tea
- Removed Bone Crook
- Crooks now have a Durability
Version 1.2.4
+ Added Chickenburger
+ Added Chicken Cheeseburger
+ Added Bacon Burger
+ Added Blueberry Cheesecake
+ Added Crook
+ Added Bone Crook
+ Added Grass Seeds
Version 1.2.3
- Bug Fixes
Fixed Bushes not being harvested probably, leaving behind a dropped Sapling
Version 1.2.2
- Bug Fixes
Fixed Jammy Dodgers not registering properly
Version 1.2.1
+ Added Jammy Dodger
- Burgers now restore way more Hunger
Version 1.2.0
+ Added Corn
+ Added Lettuce
+ Added Tomato Juice
+ Added Pumpkin Bread
+ Added Potato Salad
+ Added Chicken Sandwich
+ Added Fish Sandwich
+ Added Egg Salad
+ Added Tomato Soup
+ Added Strawberry Salad
+ Added Grape Salad
+ Added Cheesecake
+ Added Cherry Cheesecake
+ Added Biscuit
+ Added Blackberry Cobbler
+ Added Pavlova
+ Added Corn on the Cob
+ Added Creamed Corn
+ Added Sandwich
+ Added BLT
+ Added Leafy Chicken Sandwich
+ Added Leafy Fish Sandwich
+ Added Hamburger
+ Added Cheeseburger
+ Added Bacon Cheeseburger
+ Added Deluxe Cheeseburger
+ Added Carrot Cake
+ Added Mayo
- ExoticGarden Food now shows the amount of Hunger it restores in its Lore
Version 1.1.1
- Bug Fixes
Fixed Bushes showing Steve Heads instead of Leaves
Fixed trees and Bushes spawning underwater
Fixed Juices and Smoothies giving you a Bottle for free
- Removed Tomato Pie, Tomato Jelly Sandwich, Tomato Juice and Tomato Smoothie. It was just disgusting
Version 1.1.0
+ Added Lemon Tree
+ Added Plum Tree
+ Added Strawberry Plant
+ Added Tomato Plant
- Changed Coconut Texture
- The Generation chances are now configurable
Version 1.0.1
- Updated to Slimefun 3.3
- CS-CoreLib is now an external Download, it will be automatically downloaded if it wasnt found
Version 1.0
- Initital Release