EventEffects is a plugin which allows you to set potion effects for a player when certain events take place. With EventEffects you can set any potion effect (even ones that are not available in-game), for any duration and level, for many differemt events.
Features (so far):
- Can give any potion effect, for any duration and level, for many different events (see Events (so far))
- Can also send a command via the console for many different events.
- Permission nodes for each event, to exempt a player from receiving the effects from those events, Ops are exempt by default.
- Enable/Disable events and effects in config.yml.
- Configurable to remove a player's previous potion effects.
Events (so far):
- Teleporting
- Respawning
- Joining Server
- Moving
- Item Breaking
- Exp Changing
- Changing World (configurable worlds)
- Entering A Bed
- Receiving Damage From An Entity (configurable entities)
- Enchanting An Item
- Killing a player
- Killing an entity (configurable entities)
- Block break (configurable blocks and whether players can use silktouch)
In Progress or Planned
- More events to add effects to (such as talking, eating, being low on health, etc...).
- Configurable whether Move event only detects x and z coordinates.
- New effects: Invisible, night-vision
- Configurable whether Ops are exempt by default or not.
- Cooldown for events
- Allow infinite duration of effects.
Latest Update:
See ChangeLog EventEffects 1.3
Coming In Next Update:
This is what I have coded and will definately be in the next update, so there maybe more than the list below.
Players will get the swirly potion animation that corresponds to the potion Effect you have put in the config.yml. They also get the effect. For example...
If you have set that players get the speed effect for 10 seconds when they teleport then: If a player teleports then then, for 10 seconds, they get the effect of walking faster, the swirly animation and if they look in their inventory it will display "Speed [time]".
Well, the effect is given, not the potion item.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Derjyn wants to know whether the effect is given as opposed to being given the potion.
What do you mean?
So this only adds the functional potion effects, not the visual, correct?
Ok, I'll try and add this to 1.3
I think this plugin is missing a key feature with the event world change and the entity damage event:
I think you should be able to specify what worlds should give the potion effects and what kind of mobs/damage as well.
I added your event to the next update. Also I added an event if you kill an entity.
That sounds like a good idea! I'll try to add it to the next update. :)
it would be cool if you add an event wich fires when you kill another player. It could work as a pvp bonus.
Please comment on any ideas for events or the events you most like me to add.