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UploadedNov 3, 2012
Size430.71 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.3.2-R3.0
Change Log:
- Updated for CB 1.3.2 R3
- Update - Allows for kicking of hidden players
- Update - Warn when banning a player who has never connected
- Update - Delayed TP charges now will charge the person issuing the command, not the person being teleported
- Bug Fix - Make sure /kill can kill players in creative mode
- Bug Fix - Prevent stack traces when hack clients forge connection packets
- Bug Fix - Fix kit and warp sign permissions
- Bug Fix - Fix gamemode permission checks
- Optimization - Less api calls on user lookups
- Optimization - Less time wasted in string matching
- New config setting: mails-per-minute - default 1000 - Limit number of mails the server will handle per minute.
- Permission - essentials.home.bed - Required to use /home bed
- Permission - essentials.vanish.pvp - Required to attack players while vanished
This is not updated for 1.4.2, although most functionality will work
Feel free to use the beta or development builds with 1.4.2