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UploadedMar 29, 2012
Size1.18 MB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.2.5-R1.0
- CB 1.2.4-R1.0
Change Log:
- New translation messages
- Update default permissions.
- Update to CB #2126 B #1425
Min CB version changed to 2122
- Try to reduce lag caused by join spam.
- Adding world permission checks to:
tpaall tpall tpahere tphere tpohere
User is required to have the permission for the world he is in, before he can teleport users outside this world, to it.
- Clarify how backup works.
Add option for auto save-all.
- Update tp to check if target player has tptoggle disabled.
Update tpo to allow player to player tp.
- Don't show 'backup started' on /backup if it hasn't been configured.
- Don't override other plugins which allow joining over capacity.
- Update [balance] sign to use currency formatting.
- Invsee now shows a live player inventory in a window, rather than cloning players inventory.
New Permission: essentials.invsee.modify - Player with this permission will be able to add/remove items from the other players inventory.
- New permission check: essentials.list.hidden is now required to /getpos hidden players.
- Extra itemcsv.
- Make sure items don't stack wrong in [free] signs.
- Help command refresh.
- Adding missing entities to Protect Spawn Blacklist
- Improve kit matching, and add enchantments.
Enchanted kit example in config.yml
- New command: /fly
New perm:
- Split formatting perms for signs as well.
- New Permission:
Without this perm, URLs will be modified not to be links.
- Split colour permissions into 3: color/magic/format
- Extra items in 1.2.4
- Add villager professions to /spawnmob
- Update missing 1.2.3 items in items.csv
- Extra Trees
- Add 'color' sign type to config file.
Enforce colour permission on signs when essentials signs are enabled.
- Missing kit time check from [kit] signs.
- Only show nickname update message in debug mode.
- Shorten help messages.
- New permission: - Allows players to /tp <p1> <p2> replaces old reused permission.
New permission usage: if world-teleport-permissions is true in the config, TP commands will now check for<worldname> when a tp would switch worlds.
- Adding Exp to /whois, shows total exp and ingame level.
Due to the way minecraft calculates levels (flawed formula), its possible to not match calculated level.
- Adding reference to &k in MOTD.
- Handle permission check failures better.
- Fix fake explosions.
- Make /nuke drop tnt from a more reasonable height.
- Make /spawner errors more descriptive.
- Add metric opt out toggle ingame.
- Add Griefcraft metrics to Essentials
Warns on first start, and first staff join, and 5 minute warning before logging starts.
- Fixing warp command costs.
- New permission: essentials.seen.banreason
With this permission players can see why a user was banned, in /seen.
- Adding jail time to /whois.
- Update offline user check.
Add ban reason to /seen
- Update setworth to allow /setworth <price> ingame
Allow /setworth to be used from console.
- New Permission: essentials.lightning.others
With this permission you can use /lightning <player>, without only strike based on direction.
- Add Enderman check to EntityChangeEvent (Should fix sheep eating grass).
- Use ignoreCancelled on event registration.
- Update info.txt to hint at /einfo.
- Fixing spawnmob count.
- Add listgroups as TL key
- Apply colors to group tags.
- Build custom mob list /spawnmob
- Adding starter/newbie kit to EssentialsSpawn
Optimization to EssentialsSpawn join event.
- Extra command alias.
- Allow more currency customization.
Added currency key to messages.
- Adding option to modify all users balances (including offline) /eco reset ** <amount>
- Force all kits to lowercase.
- Only update displayname on world change, not every teleport.
- Make the antioch message optional.
- Shouldn't really be canceling events at priority monitor, oops.
- Fix isAffordableFor in Trade class
This fixes buy signs giving out items, when the player has permission, but min-money in config is set to 0.
- Adds pvp protection after teleport
- Fix utf-8 decoding problems.
- Fix UTF8 handling in Configuration class
- Better cats
- Fix world heights
- New eggs
- New Entities and Items for 1.2
- update default player-commands to support new and missed commands
- add little babbys
- Adding permissions for overwriting exisitng warps
essentials.warp.overwrite.[warpname] will allow overwrting of exsiting warps
essentials.warp.overwrite.* for all warps
Adding WarpNotFoundException class