Archive - Essentials-extra-2.8.3
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UploadedMar 1, 2012
Size429.24 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.1-R6
Change Log:
- Fix kit timers resetting on server restart.
- Fix version matching.
- Adding option to log all eco api transactions.
- Prevent EssSpawn trying to handle spawning of jailed players.
- Change jail listener to catch respawn at Highest
- Display users new balance on /eco give/take.
- Add Minimum Balance, to allow people to manage overdrafts.
- Write to user files less, on money update.
- Balance top now has server total on first line.
Balance top will update ess balance backup if using register/vault eco.
- Fixing upgrade script to allow powertool upgrade.
- Extra command aliases.
- Powertools dispatch commands as delayed tasks (should reduce any conflict issues).
- Switch powertools to use different event.
Reduce multiple triggering of powertool events.
Abort event when used with powertool.
- Fix /sudo message display.
- Add bPerm2 support for chat prefixes.
- Little bit of extra info in the default /einfo file
- Re-allow colours in newb welcome messages.
- Fixing being charged twice for /back.
- /spawnmob - Only list mobs you have permission to spawn.
- Allow charges for different mob types in /spawner
- Add per warp command costs
Make warp other commands charge the commander, not the warped.
- Update trade signs properly, and visibly handle full signs.
- New Permission: essentials.sudo.exempt
If a user has this perm, they cannot be controlled.
- Optional argument to /ping [message]- Message to be echo'd.
Possible use in scripts, checking for lag, /sudo, etc.
- Fixing silly typo - Fixes shout costs.
- Fix exploit with /tpaccept if sender no longer has permission