Archive - Essentials-extra-2.8.1
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UploadedJan 29, 2012
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Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.1-R1
Change Log:
- Prevent /home bed, if the bed was later destroyed.
- Fixing Kill/suicide in creative mode.
- New craftbukkit
CB 1840, B 1208 - Optional second argument to /tpaccept, it will only accept the request if the sender matched that string.
- Switch /near priority to check for int first.
Test #1269 - Make sure player is online when sending a /reply.
- Prevent disabled sign creation (if any of essentials signs are enabled)
- Disable all signs by default.
- Added options to enable each sign type
- Only list bed home if it is set.
- Allow space as well as : in /delhome
- Stop users from using /sethome bed
- If bed home is set, give priority when spawning.
- Check bed still exist, for bed homes.
- If vault throws an exception, it should not be enabled.
- Adding translation keys for [L] and [Spy]
- Check shout/question messages are longer than 1 character.
- Fix EssChat displayname error.
- Compiled regex is faster.
- Reduce duplicate calls in EssentialsChat
Should cut the time down a little. - Stripping vanilla colour from /helpop and /mail
Adding support for &k in EssChat
Adding support for colour in /msg and /r - New perm: essentials.msg.color - Stripping vanilla colours from /msg
- Adding support for Vault as a fallback economy method.
- Allowing use of aliases in help/info/motd, for command suggestions.
Test #1441 - Fixing double charges on /home
Test #1426 - Adjusting default spawn behavior.
Moving option in config file. - Fix players retaining permissions when demoted.
- fix for an iterator error if there is only one element in the array.
- Cache MessageFormats for Chat
- Shorter names for enchantment signs.
- Fix /nick command colors
- Strip colors from chat, if the user does not have the permission.
- Optimize TextInput to cache motd and info textfiles.
- Optimize Break in Protect
- Speed improvements for Move and Interact Event.
- Reload less
- Temporary fix for Spawns and Jails when Worlds are loaded after Essentials.
This will be replaced by BetterLocation fix in 3.0 branch - Add new eggs to items.csv
- Added the new Enchantments
- Only info not a warning if a file is missing
- Correctly match release and non release versions of bukkit.
- Fix sending our player object to other plugins.
- Fix double names in /balancetop and show display name in balancetop
- Don't try to spawn users who have disconnected before we have a chance to spawn them
- Add new permission essentials.protect.alerts.notrigger
If user has this permisson they do not trigger EssProtect block alerts - No sending to all players, must specify target.
- i18n added to command nuke