Essentials Red
Hello, this is Essentials Red.
Essentials Red is an Essentials Plugin. Its work in Progress and take a while until its released. It will be available in 2 Languages: German and English.
Command | Permission | Default Permission | Description |
/help | | Yes | Shows all EssentialsRed Commands |
/gm | | No | Access to change the Gamemode |
/heal | er.heal | No | Access to Heal yourself or other Players |
To do List
Legend: Working on | Added | Planned
Du wilst mit deinem pl was schaffen wall nicht mehr lange und bukkit wird nicht mehr benutzt wall Sponge dann release ist würde ich dir qempfehlen mal auf Sponge umzusteigen ich habe es schon gemacht! Werde aber weiter hin auch für Bukkit/Spigot coden.
Gonna start with the Project soon. It will be released in German first.
After that, i translate it to English.
We got from Planning to the Alpha Status!
But beware, installing it on a Server means, every Player can execute every Command, until i add the Permissions Feature.