EquestrianDash 1.2 RC1 (1.8+)


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  • Uploaded
    Oct 24, 2015
  • Size
    267.50 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • 1.8.1


Introducing a whole new level of EquestrianDash!

Watch the ridiculously high-res demo video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mblUmX6xn_g
Skip to 1:00 to learn how to set it up on your server.

Now featuring in EquestrianDash v1.2, Release Candidate 1:

- New: spectator and non-player support! Now you can run EquestrianDash on a server and set it so all players are spectators or just not participating in the game at all. Please note: Spectator mode is recommended. It may get a little laggy for players who aren't racing otherwise.

- Supercharged optimization: Good bye, PlayerMoveEvent. Movement, scores, and lap handling is handled via schedulers that run at a configurable rate for your convenience. Games are a whole lot faster now. Marker handling and powerup handling is much better.

- Easier, efficient, and all-around better managed Marker handling: A completely reworked system allows you to easily manage your markers.

- Improved powerups:
- Added the Fire Charge powerup. Create a flaming trail behind you as you race in front of your enemies.
- Added the Trollkin powerup. How do you mess with your opponents? Put a pumpkin on their heads, of course...
- Replaced the Launcher Charge powerup with the Jump Powerup. It makes a little more sense to have rabbit feet rather than a diamond to jump, anyway.
- Fixed the Lightning Powerup.
- Fixed the Thief Powerup.

- Added more TitleManager support: i.e. A title countdown shows up before the race begins.

- Improved the scoreboard & added below-name scores: Colors are assigned to each player's name on the "Player Places" scoreboard. Now you can see what place a player is in.

- More and more under-the-hood improvements. Check it out for yourself!