(( Meet EquestrianDash. ))
EquestrianDash is a Mario Kart-esque minigame that can bring endless fun to you and your users. Set up a race course with your imagination and with a few basic tools as the only requirements, customize your config. You can even get your own developers to create new powerups using the simple, but powerful, Powerup API. EquestrianDash is low-maintenance and preserves performance to keep hosting a server for it cheap. Download today and setup your game quickly. A standalone server for EquestrianDash is recommended, but not required.
Want to see this game in action? Watch this! (Don't forget to watch in HD!)
(( Featured Features ))
Multi-track/world support: Add various tracks to your server to give your players a selection of maps to play without needing multiple servers.
Powerups: Smash through Item Boxes containing a variety of powerups. You can adjust them to your liking and even add your own using the Powerup API. A list of powerups and their abilities is over here.
Easy track setup: View the config and tutorials sections to learn how to set up EquestrianDash on your server.
Live track/position updating: Player positions are color-coded and updated secondly on a scoreboard on the sidebar as well as below racers' names.
Spectating: Players who don't want to play can spectate and watch matches, or just do their own thing while they wait. Note: not all functionality for non-players is there quite yet. In order for EquestrianDash to restart, it currently must restart the whole server—but this may change soon.
(( Requirements ))
- Bukkit/Spigot 1.8 or above.
- Java 8 or above - Don't worry, all your Java 7 stuff will work with Java 8. Java 8 is magical. Update today!
- Optional: TitleManager
(( Permissions & Base Command ))
Base command: /ed - Permission: equestriandash.ed
/vote - Permission: equestriandash.vote
Hey there, Im having a problem with this plugin.
I set up a track, and had a friend join to test it out. We voted for the track, and the game said there were enough people to start, but nothings happened since.
Any ideas why?
Much of EuqestrianDash's efficiency relies *heavily* on Java 8 libraries. Please update your machine to Java 8. Almost everything that runs on Java 7 will run on Java 8, so there's no real drawbacks to doing so. :) I'll put this in to the description, too.
plugin not support bukkit 1.8.8 ?
My pleasure! :)
Disable edit mode in the config.yml to start. (Set "EditMode" to "false" rather than "true")
Also after I'm done with everything how do I start a match?
Thank you very much ColonelHedgehog I love your plugin excellent work!
The powerups use an equation to determine when you should receive them (in other words, in what "place"). Frequency = rank / chance. If the chance is *higher*, it is *more* likely you will receive it in a *lower* place — and vice versa (if chance is lower, more likely you'll receive it in a higher place). My guess is you're only getting "slime" and "ice" because you're in first place when you test. If you drop behind to even second place, you'll see it open up.
However, this is 100% configurable if you look at the config.yml. The only reason I set it up like this by _default_ was so that there is a good balance of powerups.
hey so whenever i get a powerup then it only has a chance to give me 2 powers the ice and the slime. How do I make it so that I have a chance to get all the different powers?
Sorry, but no. It's a bit too heavy on performance. A server that could support this plugin and other players at the same time would be so expensive that there's no reason not to buy a separate server for it. Mini games generally shouldn't be run on the same server as other game modes.
Is this plugin always going to need its own server? Are you planning for it to be able to run on a multiworld server in the future?
I'm glad you're enjoying it. :) Currently, all text is English. However, I might add localization options later.
Hello,your plugin is amazing! I want to ask is this plugin support in other languages?
Update: 0.9
Make sure to download the nifty new 0.9b update!
Hey Pookey,
As a matter of fact, I'm planning to add this to the next beta. ;)
By the way, in the video, I noticed that you get a new item from the mystery cubes if you already had one in your inventory. To make it more like Mario Cart, you wouldn't pick up a new power-up if you already had one. Perhaps this could be a configuration option?
Awesome! :) I'm planning on making some big changes soon, specifically with multi-track support.
I'm so recommending this to my friend for his minigame server. Being his developer, I'll probably make him a few power-ups, too. :)
This plugin looks AMAZING! I can't wait to add it to my server after I make a few maps for it!!!