
Epic Spleef


Create an arena

Step 1 - Teleport to the arena's world
At first, you have to teleport to the world of the arena.

Step 2 - Create the arena
Type /spleef create <NameOfArena> to create the backbone. <NameOfArena> should be replaced with the name of the arena.

Step 3 - Add a floor
You have to add a floor for the arena. There are several options available to do this:

  1. Using WorldEdit
    You can add a floor using [ WorldEdit]. Select the floor and type ''/spleef addBlocks <NameOfArena> worldedit''.
  2. The floor you are standing on
    An easier way to add the floor is the command ''/spleef addBlocks <NameOfArena> standingOn''. This will add the floor you are standing on to the arena using a [ flood fill] algorithm.
  3. The floor you are looking at
    The same as "standingOn", but not adding the floor you are standing on, but the floor you are looking at. Type /spleef addBlocks <NameOfArena> lookingAt.

Multiple floor levels are allowed.

Step 4 - Add spawnpoints
Now you have to add the spawnlocations. Just type ''/spleef addSpawnloc <NameOfArena>'' to create an arena at the location you are standing on.

Step 5 - Enable the arena
Finally you have to enable the arena. Just type ''/spleef setValue <NameDerArena> enabled true''.

You're done!

Configuring the config.yml

Directory: /minecraftbukkit/plugins/EpicSpleef/config.yml

  languagefile: language.yml

languagefile - The name of the languagefile.

  check: true
  update: true
  unsafeUpdates: false

check - If you don't want to check for available updates, you have to set "check" to false.
update - Should new versions automatically be downloaded and installed?
unsafeUpdates - Should "unsafe" updates be installed? If this is set to false it will only check and download an update if the versions of your server and the plugin fits (e.g. a plugin version for Minecraft 1.8.1 won't be installed on a server for 1.7.9, a plugin version for Minecraft 1.8.1 WILL be installed on a server for 1.8.0, cause this ignores the 3rd digit).

  - "&a&lWins"
  - "%wins%"
  - "&1"
  - "&c&lLosses"
  - "%losses%"
  - "&2"
  - "&6&lPoints"
  - "%points%"
  - "&3"
  - "&a&lTotal Wins"
  - "%totalWins%"
  - "&4"
  - "&c&lTotal Losses"
  - "%totalLosses%"

You can configurate the lines of the scoreboard. Blank lines must be filled with different color codes (eg "&1"). %value% will be replaced with the corresponding value of the player's statistics.

      1: '&l&9%arena%'
      2: '&2JOINABLE'
      3: '%players% / %maxPlayers%'
      4: '&aClick to join'
      1: '&l&9%arena%'
      2: '&4FULL'
      3: '%players% / %maxPlayers%'
      4: 'Countdown: &c%countdown%'
      1: '&l&9%arena%'
      2: '&4IN GAME'
      3: '%players% / %maxPlayers%'
      4: '&aClick to spectate'
      1: '&l&9%arena%'
      2: '&cDISABLED'
      3: ''
      4: ''

waitingForPlayers - The look of the join sign if players can join.
full - The look of the join sign if the arena is full.
inProgress - The look of the join sign if the game is in progress.
disabled - The look of the join sign if the arena is disabled.

  enable: true

enable - Should statistics be enabled?

      corePoolSize: 1
      maximumPoolSize: 1
      keepAliveTimeInMilliSeconds: 0

This settings are for experts only. If you don't know what they mean, don't change anything!


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