Falling damage #47

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to _ForgeUser8345480
  • _ForgeUser718314 created this issue Sep 11, 2012

    I was modifying some of the falls for the different block types, and i realized it would be cool if you could make it so falling onto, or breaking, different blocks would have different damage modifiers, since atm it is all one modifier.  For example, falling on stone could absorb one damage, since it does crack them.  Falling on obsidian could add one damage.  Falling on wool could remove a lot of damage(basically making it safe for massive dives).]

    I'm pretty sure this would just involve moving the falling modifier variable into each specific class, rather than global.
    (Sorry if wording is wrong, i do java, but I haven't gotten down to plugins, so I don't know the lingo)

  • _ForgeUser718314 added the tags New Enhancment Sep 11, 2012

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