Feature Request: Greater Regions support #46

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to _ForgeUser8345480
  • _ForgeUser9015902 created this issue Sep 11, 2012


    I was thinking a couple of extra regions flags would be nice to add to regions, specifically the block break limit and the fall distance. In fact you could set most of the variables in regions flags so for example a spawn area which is protected with regions will regenerate faster than the rest of the world.

  • _ForgeUser9015902 added the tags New Enhancment Sep 11, 2012
  • _ForgeUser8345480 posted a comment Sep 11, 2012

    I had assumed someone would ask for this... lol. Essentially everything in the config could be set per region, as well as permissions. That's kinda a lot of work, lol.

    I'm sorry, but I probably won't be implementing this, at least not soon. I think the flag system should stay simple so it's easy for people to use.

    Would you mind my asking what you think of the system/ Shield in general? No ones really given any feedback.

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