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- Please submit suggestions, I love updating this project :)
- /em reload - Reloads plugin (v5.0 and up)
- /em dump - Generates plugin memory dump (v5.6 and up)
- Drag and drop the .jar into the plugins directory and restart the server.
- Powerful: EntityManager supports a wide range of entity management functionality
- Multi-World: A config file is generated for every world on your server!
- Permissions: Config settings can be overridden by players with permission!
- Logging: Console, player, and admins alerts keep your staff aware!
Mob Management
- Prevent any or all mobs from spawning, or prevent a spawn reason entirely
- Supports "meta", you can block baby zombies and or villager zombies, along with other baby animals too
- Example: 'cow:baby', 'zombie:baby', 'zombie:villager', 'zombie:baby:villager'
Weather and Time control
- Set the time for any world to a specific time and it will always stay that time there
- Settings for permanently disabling thunder and or rain.
Potion Management
- Prevent any potion from being thrown and/or dispensed
- (NEW) Support Minecraft 1.9+
- Works with Potions, Splash Potions, and Lingering Potions
- Use wildcards to block any class of potions easily!
- (NEW) Use PotionManager to modify potion intensity (which determines potion duration)
Dispenser Management
- Easily block any item from being dispensed
- Supports blocking specific potions
Enchantment Management
- Ability to block certain players from enchanting items
- Supports anvils as well as enchantment tables
Experience Management
- Disable experience orbs and/or items from mobs generated from spawners.
- Enforce XP retention when players die.
Spawn Egg Management
- Easily limit who can use (a list of all) spawn eggs
- Option to disable all, then you can manually allow group access via permissions :)
- Contact me for support using [email protected]
Thanks :)
Currently in the works. Thanks for the suggestion.
That was what I was trying to ask :)
Instead of confusing me, i could have just added the iron golem egg into entitymanager?
Ahh, Well I'm setting up a PVP Server and we wanted to give out the Golem Egg but the problem is from what I see is I can't spawn them no error just can't spawn them. I think only OP can darn hehe. I will have to see if another plugin might be able to allow the user to spawn them if he is given the egg.
There is no way to legitimately get a iron golem egg in regular minecraft. Therefore i don't block it. If you use mods that affect the same things as entitymanager, they could be conflicts which end in bugs for you. If you could make a ticket on how to replicate that issue i would be glad to try to fix.
There is no Iron Golem damn I have it but maybe its because one my mods add it. Could you check I have it for some reason 383:99
Also I know you said the being op/permission for that one thing but I was pretty darn sure I was not running around with either a second time. I was exploring mobs that I don't think were already spawned in the past of adding this mod and it only ever seem to be zombies/skeletons and sometimes they do work and I guess I will just test more maybe just bad luck on my part.
Make sure the world your testing in is in the "entitymanger worlds to work in". In 3.7.2, its in worlds.yml. In 3.7.1 and below its in the config. Other then that i can't help, the code is fine and the feature passed tests on my production server.
I've testd the painting blocker, and I can't get it to work. My config is set to block them, and I deoped myself and set my rank to default; still didn't work.
/em reload was removed when i switched config. I have tried many times to bring the reload command but the current config is perfect except that its not reload friendly, i will continue to bring a reload command. :D
I tested out the "no item drops / exp drops" feature, and it works quite flawlessly. All mobs that die who were spawned from monster spawners don't drop items or exp if you have it disabled.
Iron golem eggs are not in minecraft, they are something i could add (like ender crystal eggs). So they aren't on the list because vanilla minecraft doesn't have them.
Well its possible yes since it's been done, but i don't plan on adding so much bulk to my plugin. My goal for EntityManager is to be as lightweight as possible, most of the KBs come from organizing the code.
1. I noticed that NPE also, its a Runtime Exception meaning you can only find it when you kinda just wait. It's been fixed already in 3.7.1. 2. Mobs do not attack you if you have the permission 'entitymanager.avoid.target' and since you are OP you get that permission by default. To block an op from having a permission, your perm system needs to support negating perms like 'entitymanager.avoid.target: false'. Hope i helped, if you need any more help ill be happy to assist and or address issues.
Painting blocker has been confirmed to work fine. All of the config settings are over ridden with a certain permission. So if you block paintings you need permission (or OP) to use them, also make sure entitymanager is enabled in the world you "tested" it in.
It would be nice to have a reload command, like /em reload to reload to config. Also, the painting blocker is broken and doesn't block them.
The configuration explanation needs updating.
Not sure what happen. I first logged in creative and spawned a couple eggs on my test server for fun and to test it. odd mobs were not attacking. Well derp im in creative. So I left it and now the mobs were not attacking me even if I bitched slapped them.. I had to /butcher them then they seem to work fine after that.
I also not sure how I did this but got this NPE: http://pastebin.com/DHbiNrAB
Also Iron Golem is not in the list so hes unable to be spawned by a egg and when you use the egg has nothing related to permissions so I assume you can't?
Thanks :)
EDIT: When I explore more it seems zombies/skeletons don't attack me I'm using default settings hehe.
is it possible to make certain mobs (like zombies) break through certain blocks in a certain amount of time based on user configuration? this plugin (http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/monster-apocalypse/) has such an option, but it is a very clunky plugin that doesnt work as well as yours.
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Thanks so much. I can't wait to give this a try I see its now out :)