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UploadedMay 21, 2012
Size52.00 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.2.5-R2.0
EM v3.5.1 Patch build
Changelog compared to last release (3.5)
- Updated to CB 1.2.5-R2.0
- Several code revisions and enhancements
- Renamed the error for when players try to use eggs in regions they can't build in to use 'spawner' instead of monster.
- Removed unused code, again.. revised a lot of the methods to use less code (for better performance)
- Made many of the methods check if the all worlds feature in config is true before iterating through the worlds (less lag)
1. Fire charges still dispense from dispensers despite it being blocked. The code wasn't changed from older versions and randomly appeared. Most likely a bug on my test server, but just note that fire charges may not be blocked from dispensers.
2. Spam on enchant attempts, if you block enchantments and have alerting / logging on you may receive spam due to how the event works.