

Welcome to the official page of my (first) plugin, EnderSurfer! This plugin features live ender pearl teleportation. This means that, instead of throwing an ender pearl and waiting for it to hit the ground, it makes it as if you are the ender pearl and you travel just like it would travel.


  1. Before running your server with this plugin, make sure to set allow-flight to true in your server.properties file to avoid player kicks for no reason.
  2. Should you find any bugs, please let me know as soon as possible so I can deal with them. Otherwise they will remain there until someone else points them out or I discover them!
  3. If you make any changes to the config.yml file (either via in game commands, or by editing the file itself), those changes will take place after you reload or restart the server! (v1.10 and up)
  4. The endersurfer.elytra permission is set to false by default because if abused, the server will lag a lot due to high speeds, causing too fast world generation.


  • Ender pearl teleportation on-the-go - aka Ender Surfing!
  • Particles behind the player while flying with an ender pearl
  • Custom heart loss when the shooter hits the ground.
  • Sneaking before throwing the ender pearl will make it be thrown in the usual way.
  • Auto-completion for the commands.
  • Can be disabled for certain worlds (v1.9 and up)
  • Sound effects are now a thing!


Instead of /endersurfer, you can do /es
Command Description
/endersurfer setHearts Sets the the number of half hearts that will be lost when someone hits the ground after throwing an ender pearl. Insert integers only
/endersurfer setVelocityMultiplier Sets the velocity multiplier (ender pearl's velocity times the number you put here). Insert integers only
/endersurfer setDamageOnAir If set to true, the player will be damaged by the hearts specified in the setHearts command. Insert boolean values only
/endersurfer showParticles If set to true, the player will leave a trail of Enderman particles behind them. Insert boolean values only
/endersurfer reloadConfig Reloads Endersurfer's configuration file manually (mainly used for applying changes to the configuration file, for example which worlds the plugin should be disabled for). Command has been deleted due to it being inefficient!!


Permission Description Default
endersurfer.utilize Check if a player is able to utilize EnderSurfer. True
endersurfer.defyfalldamage Check if a player is able to defy the fall damage he gets after throwing an ender pearl. False
endersurfer.showparticles Check if particles can be displayed at a player when they throw an ender pearl. True
endersurfer.defydamageonair Check if a player is able to defy the damage he gets while on air, after throwing an ender pearl. False
endersurfer.elytra If the player has this permission, they can use both the elytra and EnderSurfer for super high gliding speeds! (I definitely recommend trying it!). If not, throwing an ender pearl while gliding will make the pearl be thrown in the vanilla way False

Disabling the plugin for a certain world

  1. To add a world, first of all add a new line
  2. Then, add a hyphen (the following sign: "-", without the quotes of course)
  3. After that, add the exact name of the world.
  4. Save the config and, when in-game, type this command: /es reloadConfig reload or restart the server.
  5. The plugin is now properly disabled for the world(s) you typed.
  6. See the example configuration file for which format to use

Example configuration file

half-hearts: 2
vel-mult: 8
dmg-on-air: false
show-particles: true

Like this plugin? Buy me a cup of coffee by donating to help me keep updating this awesome piece of work!

Demonstration videos

By myself

By MusicTechnician

By Numero Uno


  • To aegisjester for suggesting the plugin name and the setDamageOnAir command.
  • To Eegah123 for suggesting the sneaking-cancelling idea.
  • To mash1928 for making the thumbnail.
  • To MusicTechnician and Numero Unofor making a video showcase.
  • To DarkBladee12 for the ParticleEffect Library he provides for free to the public. Removed his code because it was outdated - used the API's code instead.
Source code

URL: https://github.com/Lazini/EnderSurfer.git


Leave some feedback if possible! If not, then great! It means a lot to me knowing what you think!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 30, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Apr 8, 2020
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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