EnchantPlus allows you to enchant items more than one time with an enchantment table and it has various commands for admins or users to enchant every item manually with customisable level costs. Everything is customisable in the config and there are bypass permissions for all checks!
- Enchant items more than one time smoothly with the enchantment table
- Enchant items manually with commands
- Highly customisable settings for the enchanting commands and the enhanced enchantment table
- Display a list of all enchantments or their descriptions
- Display all applicable enchantments of certain items
- Enchant items with enchantments up to the maximum level (32767)
Note: All listed features above are always referring to the newest version of EnchantPlus!
The multiple enchanting feature is currently bugged and it sometimes occurs that no enchantment offers show up even if there are still applicable enchantments. As a temporary fix you can repeatedly remove an item from the enchanting inventory and put it back in until the offers show up.
(This seems to be an issue of newer Minecraft/Spigot versions since it works perfectly fine on 1.12 for example)
This plugin uses Metrics by BtoBastian to collect various data from servers.
If you don't want Metrics to collect your data you can disable it easily by setting enabled to false in the config file at plugins/bStats/
Commands & Permissions
Command | Description | Permission |
/plus add <name/id> <level/natural> | Adds an enchantment to the item in your hand | enchantplus.command.add |
/plus mighty <level/natural> [applicable] | Adds all existing enchantments to the item in your hand | enchantplus.command.mighty |
/plus remove <name/id> | Removes an enchantment from the item in your hand | enchantplus.command.remove |
/plus purify | Removes all enchantments from the item in your hand | enchantplus.command.purify |
/plus list | Shows a list of all enchantments and their respecting names and ids | enchantplus.command.list |
/plus description <name/id> | Shows an advanced description of an enchantment | enchantplus.command.description |
/plus applicable | Shows a list of enchantments that can be currently applied to the item in your hand | enchantplus.command.applicable |
/plus reload | Reloads the whole plugin | enchantplus.command.reload |
/plus help [page] | Shows the help pages | - |
- | All command permissions |
enchantplus.command.* |
- | Level limit check bypass permission | enchantplus.bypass.limit |
- | Conflicting enchantment check bypass permission | enchantplus.bypass.conflicting |
- | Inapplicable enchantment check bypass permission | enchantplus.bypass.inapplicable |
- | Item amount check bypass permission | enchantplus.bypass.amount |
- | Power source check bypass permission | enchantplus.bypass.power |
- | Level restriction check bypass permission | enchantplus.bypass.restriction |
- | Enchanting cost check bypass permission | enchantplus.bypass.cost |
- | All bypass permissions | enchantplus.bypass.* |
- | All plugin permissions | enchantplus.* |
Bugs & Suggestions
If you find any bugs or have any suggestions for this plugin don't hesitate and send me a message or post a comment down below! Alternatively you can use the DevBukkit issue tracker or the GitHub issue tracker.
Hey guys, just wanted to announce that there may be a new version of EnchantPlus soon since it's now possible to make unenchantable items enchantable with Bukkit! This means that the fake item will probably removed and there will be options for enchantments of unenchantable items ;)
Just add them to the list of the Max_Level section in the Enchantment_Stacking section! (So it should look like that: List: unbreaking-7, efficiency-7, fortune-5)
i want my unbreaking and efficiency to reach lvl 7 at the enchant table. and the fortune to like 5 ? how to fix that :P?
Thanks for providing my server with many great plugins, like mini games party and this! :) :)
ah I understand, thanks.
Well no, I don't give any warranty for over natural level enchantments and I can't really do anything because it's handled by the Vanilla Minecraft Server code!
It's come to my attention that, protection past lvl 200 doesn't really do anything. is there anyway to fix that?
Loving this plugin! Its so useful and easy to use :D
Btw ive made a tutorial video on it : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5E7Aw7uAsI
Can you add it please.
No that's currently only possible with commands!
Can you remove enchants from the table ? such as silktouch ? if so how do you do it ?
Main page and config page were updated and the source code was uploaded as well!
Can you explain please how you got that error?
Happens if i get shot by a Skeleton, and then the server crashes, Only if i have Maxed Mighty Armor
The new version has been uploaded and is already available here or on the main page as soon as it has been approved!
However the main page is currently not matching with the new version and will probably be updated by tomorrow, please check /plus help for further information on the commands and permissions!
Great to hear! Looking forward to it!
Just wanted to announce that I've already completed my work on the new version, I just have to wait until my testers give me the ok to release it on DevBukkit ;)
I'll see if I can increase the enchanting costs the more enchantments or the higher the level of the enchantments are whiche are already on the item ;) The next version will also include some code cleanups and the new enchantments of 1.7!
Got it, now it's working perfectly! Many thanks!
You have to remove the 5 after Level_Cost: since this is a section and not a place where you can add a value^^