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Would like to request WorldGuard support.
Thus making terrain altering enchants not working in regions player does not have build rights, and so on.
WG has an API, would be great, thanks :)
Should be possible, haven't used WorldGuard before, would have to look into its API.
Currently EnchantMore does not attempt to enforce any restrictions at all. As a start, it should be checking for and ignoring events cancelled by other plugins. There is a new ignoreCancelled=true feature (in 1.1-R4?) that should make this easy. But it should also ensure the user has permission before altering the world in any way (breaking blocks, etc.). Either WorldGuard, and/or sending an event, checking if its cancelled.
The lack of enforced protection could be a show-stopper for some (most?) servers, so I've called it out in the Limitations section on the main page and in the release notes for 0.5.1, hopefully this caveat won't catch anyone by surprise..
commit 5447ef3f7c62cd65f2fff02e225a4a277f847f8e Date: Sat Feb 18 00:21:21 2012 -0800
Fix not ignoring cancelled events (partial fix for ticket 4)
Protection support should be somewhat better in EnchantMore 0.5.7, but is still not complete. Events (including: PlayerInteract, PlayerInteractEntity, BlockBreak, BlockPlace, PlayerShearEntity, ProjectileHit, PlayerFish, EntityShootBow, EntityCombust, EntityDamage, PlayerItemHeld, PlayerToggleSneak, EntityCombust, FoodLevelChange, PlayerMove) cancelled by other plugins will be ignored so some protection is in place, but EnchantMore still does not respect protection regions before performing actions itself.
Released EnchantMore 0.7.5 with some WorldGuard support.
Now checks WorldGuard's canBuild() API before changing blocks.
However, EnchantMore alters the world in very many different ways, so not all effects respect protections yet. Some I'm not sure how to check.. for example, "Flint & Steel + Punch = cannon" shoots primed TNT projectiles, potentially into protected territory. It isn't altering any blocks itself, so how would I use canBuild()? (or do I need a different API method?) Also, there are other effects like "Sword + Silk Touch = capture" and "Hoe + Punch = grow animal" that only work on entities, not blocks.. would need to find out how to make these respect world protections.
Is cannon actually an issue? It's a TNT entity, so it may be that WorldGuard will see it once it explodes and, assuming explosion protection is enabled in the region, handle it correctly.
One of the effect that isn't supported by WorldGuard right now (that definitely should!) is:
Bow + Fire Aspect = firey explosions
Using firey explosions in a protected region (from all explosion types, fire spread, building, etc.) still explodes everything and catches them on fire, and fire spreads.
It's a super cool effect, but, without protections on regions I can't allow it on my server, yet.
BTW, this is my favourite plugin for bukkit, hands down. I love all of the effects! Thanks.
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