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What steps will reproduce the problem?1. Disable some of the enchantments in the config file.or 2. Remove some of the enchants in the config file.
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?The enchantments remain enabled. (Or at least some of them)
What version of the product are you using?EnchantMore 2.1 2013-05-03Craftbukkit 1.5.2 beta (#2771)
Do you have an error log of what happened?No.
Please provide any additional information below.I do not use permissions, that might be related to the issue since support for permissions was added just recently (I think).
<p>My configuration file after testing.</p>
Could you compile a small list of some of the effects that work and some that don't? That would really help a lot in solving this, considering I have not come across this problem before (and the fact that there's over 80 to test).
The bow ones, I only left sharpness (velocity) enchantment in my config file which I also attached to this ticket. Also I use EndlessEnchant which can add all enchants to any item with a single command. List of my plugins when this happened: WorldEdit, EndlessEnchant, EnchantMore.
@stalkerxx3: Go
Do you get a message in game?
I don't get a message ingame, just like it would be enabled.
First of all, JSYK, EnchantMore isn't going to send you a message with "debugDisabledEffects" set to false. Try setting "verboseLogger" to "true" and then provide what EnchantMore logs on startup. That will determine what effects are actually being enabled.
I enabled the debug and logger and took some notes about bow enchantments and how they work for me.
I have resolved this issue. It was a problem with the configuration file. YOu can see the changes here:
and download the new default configuration file here:
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