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What steps will reproduce the problem?1.Get Book2.Get item3.Try to combine on anvil
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?New enchantment combinations should combine
What version of the product are you using?latest
Do you have an error log of what happened?n/a
Please provide any additional information below.This should work.
Um, what? EnchantMore doesn't do anything with anvils...
What are you trying to say it should do?
This works exactly as it does in vanilla. Also, you can olny add non-vanilla enchantments (e. Bow -> Sharpness) in creative mode. This behavior has nothing to do with the plugin itself.
Your best shot is to look for a plugin that handles recipes with anvils and I'm not even sure if custom anvil recipes are possible with bukkit yet.
I know this is a bit late, but i have the same issue, so i know what he is talking about,
The thing is, when trying to enchant a item in a anvil that is supposedly unsafe (eg. BOW + FEATHERFALLING:3) then the items wont fuse together as hoped, it will just not show in the final output slot, so with this 'bug' being here, there is no way to enchant a item without the use of a [enchant] sign or commands.
What we DO want to have happen is the ability to add enchantment to a item that is supposedly unsafe. This is already possible in creative mode, and we want to be able to do the same in creative.
I hope this was clear enough for you?
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