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New enchantment ideas:Chestplate + flame = reflect fire (When a player hits you, they set on fire)Boots + Aqua Affinity = snow trail (Leaves a snow trail behind when you walk on land (Like sow golems) and freeze water when you walk over water)Axe + Silk touch = shapeshifter (Right-click a mob to turn into that mob until you are hit or hit someone)Helmet + Silk touch = invisibility (invisible while sneaking[shift] )Boots + Knockback = Jump 2 blocks highBoots + Sharpness = stomper (Jump from high areas and land on your enemies with little fall damage to yourself an more damage to others)Helmet + Aqua Affinity = strength while in water (strength II potion effect)
More enchantment ideas comming soon! :D
Helmet + Silk touch = invisibility (invisible while sneaking[shift] ) I would also like to see this.
Would be cool if it was invisibility while sneaking and not moving(aka changing pos).
The infinity sword seems a little op atm.
Your other suggestions are also cool, this one is my favorite tho.
:D thanks
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