EnchantMore 0.5.7
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UploadedFeb 18, 2012
Size49.25 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.1-R4
NOTICE: THERE IS A NEWER VERSION AVAILABLE! See the main page http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/enchantmore/ for a link.
2012-02-18 0.5.7
* Add Bow + Respiration = stapled arrows (attach adjacent item in inventory)
* Add Bow + Silk Touch = magnetic arrows (transport nearby entity)
* Add Sword + Fire Protection = return to player when dropped in lava
* Add Pickaxe + Looting = deconstruct (reverse crafting)
* Add Hoe + Power = move time
* Add Hoe + Bane of Arthropods = toggle downfall
* Add Shears + Power = hedge/trimmer builder effect, right-click leaves to build
* Improve Pickaxe/Shovel/Axe + Flame = auto-smelt, now drops natural item if unsmeltable
* Improve Axe + Power = fell tree, now breaks more branches depending on enchantment level
* Improve Boots + Punch = hover jump, now only jumps when press Shift, not release
* Improve Boots + Punch = hover jump, now preserves horizontal momentum
* Improve Chestplate + Infinity = god mode, now maxes out food level and health
* Improve Shears + Looting, now can also collect leather from cows
* Change Shears + Power = hedge trimmer, now cuts in fixed shape instead of all contiguous
* Fix not ignoring cancelled events (partial fix for ticket 4)
* Fix new item/enchantments not respecting Unbreaking and not breaking when used up
* Fix NPE and player disconnect with certain enchantments when using ModLoaderMP (ticket 6)
* Fix Axe + Power = fell tree crashing in some situations (ticket 3)
* Fix Shears + Power = hedge trimmer crashing in some situations (ticket 2)
2012-02-15 0.5.1a
* Fix durability destruction bug affecting all pickaxes (ticket 7)
* Compile against CraftBukkit 1.1-R4
2012-02-13 0.5.1
* Add Boots + Power = witch's broom (sprint flying)
* Add Boots + Punch = shift to hover jump
* Add Boots + Flame = firewalker (set ground on fire)
* Add Chestplate + Infinity = god mode (no damage)
* Improve Hoe + Aqua Affinity = auto-hydrate, now can make flowing water stationary
* Improve Sword + Flame, now creates a lit path (light level 15), no more temp glowstone
2012-02-10 0.3
* Add Bow + Knockback = pierce blocks
* Add Shovel + Silk Touch II = harvest fallen snow, fire
* Add Pickaxe + Silk Touch II = harvest ice
* Merge functionality of older Sublimation project (add sublimateIce option)
* Change strike lightning 100+ meters away to Sword + Power (was Sword + Flame)
* Add Sword + Flame = temporary glowstone headlamp
* Add Helmet + Fire Aspect = swim in lava
* Add Chestplate + Knockback = reflect arrows
2012-02-03 0.2
* Add Bow + Sharpness = increase velocity
* Add Bow + Aqua Affinity = freeze water, stun players
* Add Bow + Bane of Arthropods = poison
* Add Bow + Efficiency = instant shoot
* Add Sword + Flame = strike lightning 100+ meters away
* Fix Hoe + Respiration to grow saplings and crops using right-click
* Fix Flint & Steel + Fire Protection to now combine with Fire Aspect
* Fix Axe + Flame on saplings (etc.) causing IllegalArgumentException
* Tested with CraftBukkit 1.1-R3
2012-01-29 0.1
* Initial release
Not all enchantments reasonably combine with one another
No protection/permission support (yet)
Some effects are overpowered or unstable; be careful!
For all known issues or to file a new bug see Tickets.