
Config Details

The config uses various attributes to let you customize what enchantments do. Each item has its own set of attributes that it can use. Adding attributes will not change anything (so don't) and removing them will reset them back to default values.

The different attributes
  • max: the maximum level of the enchantment
    Don't get crazy now
    Value type: integer

  • cooldownBase: The cooldown for the level 1 enchantment
  • cooldownBonus: How much less of a cooldown it has per enchant level
    How long between uses
    Value type: double

  • damageBase: The damage of the enchantment at level 1
  • damageBonus: The extra damage per enchant level
    How much damage is dealt out (note, some enchantments may hit more than once so plan accordingly)
    Value type: Integer

  • speedBase: The launch speed caused at level 1
  • speedBonus: The additional launch speed per enchant level
    How fast you launch either yourself or an enemy (Note: these were balanced after many attempts to be somewhat realistic so you likely don't want to modify these unless you want crazy results)
    Value type: double

  • chanceBase: The chance of happening at level 1
  • chanceBonus: The additional chance per enchant level
    How often something occurs (if you feel like it happens too much, or just want people to explode in lightning)
    Value type: double

  • tierBase: The potion effect tier applied at level 1
  • tierBonus: The potion effect tier bonus per enchant level
    The level of potion effects applied
    Value type: integer

  • durationBase: The potion duration at level 1
  • durationBonus: The extra potion duration per enchant level
    How long a potion effect lasts
    Value type: double

  • powerBase: The explosion power at level 1
  • powerBonus: The extra explosion power per enchant level
    How strong an explosion is
    Value type: double

  • rangeBase: The range of the skill at level 1
  • rangeBonus: The extra range per enchant level
    How far away the effect can reach (this is the teleport radius for shadow shift)
    Value type: Integer

  • radiusBase: The radius for the shadow shift blinding effect at level 1
  • radiusBonus: The extra radius for the shadow shift blinding effect at level 1
    Only there because there were two ranges needed for shadow shift
    Value type: Integer

  • healthBase: the health gain of the skill at level 1
  • healthBonus: the extra health gain per enchant level
    Value type: Integer


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