
News: N1T3SLAY3R is back, official discord server: https://discord.gg/tqj4gaC



TekkitCommando is maintaining EmpireCraft now and so all bug reports/feature requests must now be filed here or you can send him a pm on Bukkit Dev

Check What I'm Doing

You can check what I have been doing for the plugin at http://www.tekkitcommando.me :)

This plugin is well on its way to become the new and ultimate alternative to the towny/faction series. This plugin will allow you to create magnificent empires containing many villages within, and within these villages you can create castles! Through much customization and flexibility, the owners of the servers will be able to create the building designs that you can build to produce defenses and/or income (I will provide some default designs and a page to post yours when it is finished.)

Official Video: https:www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5IOdgQhWKI

Quick Links

Getting Started (Both User and Admin, a written tutorial)


Commands & Permissions

Video Tutorials (Currently 1 (Anyones welcome to make more))

KEY Features

Design set, auto-build structures: Based on configs, when village owners or managers type a build command such as /vil build mine, over the course of 30 minutes, an hour etc. (based on time place interval per block in that structure config), depending on if you have the option require materials on or off, it will slowly build that structure over time, one block up till complete, if its on then it will require you to put the materials in a chest on the plot/chunk area and will take those materials to do so. Once these structures are complete, and depending on how its defined it will produce 1 iron ingot or 5 gold ingots for the cost of nothing, $100 upkeep, or 1 coal etc. per hour (Configurable down to the second per structure), and these buildings can also produce money instead of blocks as a secondary or primary option. As for defense buildings you will be able to build structures such as walls or archer towers that will fire at enemy's if they come within range, every building being rotatable to suit your castle format. Also upgrades, different structures can branch off into others such as a basic farm can be upgraded to a pumpkin farm or melon farm etc., and when upgrading will require the materials or just change over time (only blocks that are different)

Unique war system: Personally, i haven't done any towny or faction wars (i know its sad) but i do have a brilliant idea for how to do the war system with this plugin. During a war, ever plot of land (claimed or unclaimed as long as its not a structure) will be vulnerable for destruction by the enemy village(s), and the only way to win these wars is by agreeing upon a truce or destroying the enemies village home base(structure). Every building will have a certain set amount of hp and during a war, the players must destroy the blocks in the enemies structures territory which then will *bleed*producing a firework (to alert you of structure damage) and that block will immediately regenerate itself until destroyed where that structure will then (no longer exists) and the blocks in that area will become destroy able. When a structure is damaged (lost health), you must repair it by putting blocks into its chest or it will not produce its income/operate (unless its an archer tower or defensive structure etc.) Once the main/base structure is destroyed, all other structures will also collapse, all plot claims will be lost and the village will have to re-assemble somewhere else. In other words, don't be a war maniac and make sure you have supreme defenses! To help avoid brutal annihilation of villages, wars will start 24 hours (Configurable) after being declared and give frequent messages to both sides of the war until it is over, and the cost to declare a war will increase based on how many players you have in the village (war is expensive). Main reasons to go to war: You hate the other village, you want their land, if they are afk they might have a lot of money in the bank which will be sent to you if the are destroyed.

Empires (Requires testing): Village owners will be able to create empires, which is like a towny nation etc. When creating an empire, you are creating a village at the same village since an empire consists of many (minimum 2 villages). The command will be something like /ec create empire <player> <name> where player will be the member or manager of your current village that you will be promoting to the owner of this new village which is automatically set as part of your empire. As the owner of the empire, you will always remain the owner of your current village (every ruler needs a home), and from there you can set the 24 hour tax for all members of your village and from your own village you can keep creating new subject villages for your empire. Now this is where it gets interesting, as you create these villages they have full independence to you, in terms of they can leave at any point they want (don't be harsh on your taxes), in which if you are the last village in the empire, your emperor status will be removed. So why risk making an empire? When you create these smaller villages you must make wise decisions and have threats behind your words, and make sure everyone's in place for there is plenty room for betrayal, and when empires declare war on each other every village in both empires are set to war against the other villages (no village truce allowed). There will be a 48 hour delay before an emperor war starts. This essentially makes a new aspect to the entire game play, especially on populated servers for it adds a huge diplomacy-risk factor to the game. Power is the aim, but are you willing to take the risk to achieve it?

Structure Types: Archer Towers (can shoot at any *enemy* within a chunk of land owned by you or an ally (within a specific configurable radius])

Normal (income/item conversion buildings, even walls)

War Camps (can be in different worlds and does not have to be connected to any other claimed plots [These camps can be used as a new source to claim land {along side it}])

Barracks (Can produce npc troops that you can assign to guard points, follow you, or attack move to certain co-ordinates). NOTE: Barracks will be added after the empires update which will be added after the release of this plugin (not done)

Barbarians/Outcasts/Pirates: AI that can be pre-spawned into the world at a configured radius, they are always at war with everyone, they can evolve there village over time focusing on structures like barracks and will attack anyone on sight, even engage nearby towns through squads of npcs. (not done)

A very nice, organized layout so it wont be too challenging to get into (lots of colored text etc.)

Apart from all this, essentially all the main features that factions or towny would offer, such as claiming land, inviting players to join your village, setting them as managers, kicking players from your village etc.

Purpose of this plugin & what I expect from it

It's role is to become a hybrid plugin combining the features of factions, towny, and herostronghold, and civilizations/stronghold series (last 2 are pc games)

I am making this plugin because I feel like neither of the above have been developed perfectly *to my liking* and each of them has various features that I greatly enjoy but are missing some key things that, in my opinion would make them even greater.

ATM: Most of the features have been implemented into the game, making it playable but most likely a bit buggy. While using the plugin please note of any issues (errors, spelling mistakes, bad text colors) and post some ideas that you cannot find commands for in game. I'm not guaranteeing that I will add them into the plugin but I will guarantee that I will consider and reply to you back with my reasoning as to why I will or will not add, or when I will if its a low priority. PUT ERRORS in ticket section please, and just leave a link to it or tell me you posted on in the comments so I can check it out right away.

Supporting The Plugin

If you'd like to support this plugin, and help me continue it. There's two ways you can help: Give out feedback, suggestions, and report bugs.

Or, if you could, please donate/buy me a beer for all the thousands of hours ive put into this plugin. All help is greatly appreciated! :)

N1T3SLAY3R's Paypal: 

TekkitCommando's PayPal (Maintainer) Setting this up :)


Post in the comments for other plugins you'd like compatibility's for (Name/Link and what issue it may have)

World Guard (Cant create villages in protected areas)

Multi World (Plugin's enabled or disabled per world)

Vault (Economy connection)

All the above have been added

Source Code



Q. Error: Unsupported major.minor version 52.0

A: code was compiled with Java Version 8 while it is being executed with Java Version 7 or below, it won't work. (In other words update your java to 8 for it to work!)

You can find the update here: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jre8-downloads-2133155.html


-Any error logs posted on the front page will be removed (a link to pastebin is fine/preferable so that it does not spam the front page)

-Any claims without support will be removed (ex. stating the plugin doesn't work or its broken etc.)

-If your error CONTAINS anything from the FAQ, such as a unsupported etc. located near the start of an error log (that's a big hint), the post will be removed


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    May 17, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Feb 5, 2017
  • Total Downloads
  • License


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