This is a very simple plugin that allows you to fly-up using Elytras.
- Auto-glide: Elytras activates automatically, like it was in snapshots!
- Speed-up: When your speed is getting low, you can look up and you'll get a speed bost!
- Hit player and break Elytra when getting speed boost
- Play particles and sound effects when speed-up activating
- All features could be configured or disabled in config.
How to use?
- Install plugin
- Equip with elytras and fly
- When your speed is getting low - try to look up, your speed will be increased
Not planned yet
- elytra.speedup — allows to speed-up while flying with elytras
- elytra.auto — allows to use auto-glide feature (Automatically activate Elytra, like in snapshots)
- elytra.const-flight — allows to use constant speed
- elytra.shift-activation — allows to activate boost using shift key (sneak)
- elytra.runup — allows fly-up after sprinting defined amount of blocks
# Auto-activation of Elytra when 3 empty (air) blocks found under the player auto-glide: enable: true # Number of air blocks under the player, required to activate Elytra required-air-under-player: 3 speed-up: # Enable (true) or disable (false) plugin enable: true activation: # Pitch parameters (min/max angle) required for speed-up activaton angle-min: 40 angle-max: 80 # Player speed must be between speed-min and speed-max to activate speed-up # So when player's speed is too low he will no be able to increase his speed speed-min: 0.5 speed-max: 1.5 # Speed multiplier multiplier: 1.3 # g-force effects :) g-force: # Break elytra - damage elytra when boosting # Set to 0 if you need to disable this feature damage-elytra: 10 # Damage player. 2 = 1 heart # Set to 0 if you need to disable this feature damage-player: 1.0 #Configure particles effects particles: enable: true type: SPELL_WITCH radius: 0.3 amount: 15 extra-param: 0.0 play-repeat: 3 #Configure sound effects sound: enable: true type: ENTITY_BAT_TAKEOFF pitch: 0.8 volume: 0.5 play-repeat: 3
This is my first time posting a reply on a plugin on Bukkit, so I will make it simple....
My server is on 1.12.2, works perfectly fine, except that I cannot fly up, otherwise its perfectly fine.
The Config:
I hope you can try to fix it in your free time, most free plugin owners do it in their free time. Please reply whenever you can. I understand if you cannot fix it, I'll just have to deal with what I have then.
In reply to DemonicXGaming:
I want to point out that I am also getting this warning just like RazvanRo13. I am using Spigot 1.10. [WARN] [Elytra] Could not save config.yml to plugins\Elytra\config.yml because config.yml already exists. It is probably harmless but would be nice to have it disappear in a next version.
Thanks for the hard work on all your plugins by the way! You have a lot of good plugins
Thanks, I will set sound by default in next version :)
For those complaining about 1.10.2, it works perfectly fine already. No need to be updated.
For everyone else, I recommend using ENTITY_ENDERDRAGON_FLAP as the sound. It sounds more appropriate and isn't as annoying.
Also, for Elytra maps, I recommend disabling the speed-up option, as it makes it very difficult in sudden vertical direction changes.
Thanks @fromgate for this awesome plugin! We're having a blast with it on my server :D
Video removed? Do you have another video about this plugin?
Updated, but you need to wait sometime for approval.
"why not updated to bukkit 1.10.2 ???"
Hey, man! This plugin is created for free and I can work on it only when I have a free time. Please, be patient.
why not updated to bukkit 1.10.2 ???
Nice plugin and works with craftbukkit 1.9.4 but you can make to not appear that warning: "Warning: [Elytra] Could not save config.yml to plugins\Elytra\config.yml because config.yml already exists." I really don't like that warning ....
pls update to 1.10
when updating to MC 1.10 ??
pls update to spigot 1.10
Update to MC1.10 Please please................ Thank You
not working in 1.10
verry nice v0.1.1 running with spigot 1.9.4 now. thank you for update
Hello , I made a video tutorial in Portuguese for your plugin
In video have, how to config elytra plugin, and how to fly.
I am trying to set the elytra damage to a negative value to effectively allow for infinite flight and elytras that will never break, but it does not seem to allow a number less than 0. Any chance this functionality will be added in the future? :)
When I open the config.yml I only have about half of these configs. These are the settings I like and the only config options I have
enable: true
angle-min: 25
angle-max: 80
speed-min: 0.5
speed-max: 1.8
multiplier: 1.02
enable: false
radius: 0.3
amount: 15
extra-param: 0.0
play-repeat: 3
enable: false
pitch: 0.8
volume: 0.5
play-repeat: 3
Every time I fly in to a wall I lose connection to my server?
Вау, было бы очень здорово!
Кстати еще на снапшотах видел систему, работающую на КБ - которая поддерживает скорость элитры статичной, без каких-либо рывков и подьемов головы. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpER1luyKxI
ПКМ - это банально. Я вот думаю сделать какую-то схему с разбегом. Вроде как бежишь какое-то расстояние, задираешь голову вверх... и полетел :)