HowTo - Create an arena
Build the arena
The arena only needs to have some basic requirements:
- a location where the chickens will be spawned during the game
- an area of colored wool blocks where the chicken can lay its egg
You can also have blocks which are NOT colored wool or furthermore wool colors which you will later (during setup) not set up for the bids. In this case, the laid egg will throw a "missed it-message", despawn after some seconds and the game will go on until the chicken chooses a valid wool ;-)
Some tips:
- actually the chickens can be killed (this may change optionally later) -> so you should build a glass wall around the arena or something
Build the user/vote area
You need:
- a wall for the join/status signs (no need to create the signs at this time, there's a setup command for that)
- at least two colored wool blocks (up to 16 colors possible) which are used by the users to place their bets
That's it. The rest of the design is up to you ;-)
Final setup
If you have build the arena and the user area you can now go on to set everything up.
Type /egg sign to switch to the sign creation mode. Now touch the wall blocks in the users area to create the needed user signs. You can create as many as you want. If you're done, just touch the ground or ceiling or write the command again.
Now type /egg setup to start the final setup. This asks you to touch the votable colored wool blocks in the user area. If you're done, touch any non wool block. The next step will ask you to stand on the location where the chicken should be spawned during the game. Standing there just touch any block. That's it. You're done!
There are some setting you can change to your needs. Just use /egg help or /egg admin to see the possible commands.
How can i set up that the chickens be killed after laying egg?
Please help.
How do i fix this when it says: There are no bets left to remove for this color. Please Help Me!!!!
you are right clicking ( attempting to remove your bets ) left click to add your bet to the block.
I don't think you can automatically, but type /egg reset and it will remove them.
i can't use /egg because is a command of silkspawner...
None of the commands work, nothing with the 1.7.2 version.
Both /egg and /er are already used by other plugins, as well.
Try /er ot /roulette, they work for me and i am also using SilkSpawners
Is not working on 1.7.5 :(