EffectLib 3.8
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UploadedDec 4, 2015
Size129.88 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.8
- CB 1.7.9-R0.2
- CB 1.7.2-R0.3
Version 3.8
- Add material and materialData parameters to all effects, for customizing block_crack and item_crack particle types
- Add support for particle counts and offsets
Version 3.7
- Turn Effect.autoOrient off by default
- Add updateLocations and updateDirections parameters, can be used to turn off Entity location tracking
- Changed Cone and Vortex effects to better react to changes in direction
- Fix BigBang (can't spawn Fireworks async!)
- Config-driven effect classes may omit the "Effect" portion of the class name when using builtin effects
- Effect "type" (instant, repeating, delayed) can now be set via configs
Version 3.6
- Fix LineEffect, broken in 3.5
- Add "duration" parameter, a value in ms that can convert to period/iterations for you.
- Some code cleanup (Thank you, Jerom!)
Version 3.5
- Add KCauldron support (Thank you, tpnils1!)
- Add setParticleRange method to set default particle visibility range
- Particles now use the "long range" flag when range is greater that 16 blocks The old range of 256 seemed way too high, particles appear to vanish after 16 blocks if not long-range
- Add generalized parameter support for Configuration-driven effects You can put variable names that start with "$" in the configuration, e.g. "$radius" Then when starting an effect, you can set $radius to a value in the parameterMap to automatically replace the variables in the config.
- Add a DynamicLocation class to encapsulate an Entity or Location. This can be used to create a virtual entity, by controlling the location while the effect is runnning.
Version 3.4
- Effects now track an Entity relative to the given starting Location
- Added some simpler versions of EffectManager.start()
- Removed references to Apache Commons classes
Version 3.2
- Effects now play asynchronously when it is safe to do so.
Version 3.0
- Update particle names to match current ParticleEffect lib- please check code and configs!
- Added colorizeable spell_mob, spell_mob_ambient and redstone particles
- Full 1.8 support
- Better error handling, config options for turning on/off log messages
Version 2.0
- Refactored Effect system. Most Effect class names have changed!
- Combined Entity and Location Effects.
Version 1.6
- 1.6.4 Backwards-Compatibility added
Version 1.5
- LocationEffects added: Cylinder, Dragon
- Added Configuration-Driven reflection based constructors
Version 1.4
- LocationEffects added: Cube, Donut, Hill, Image, Text
- Improved performance
Version 1.3
Skipped on BukkitDev
Version 1.2
- Added StringParser, ReflectionHandler, ParticleEffect
- LocationEffects added: Star, Text, Line, Dna, Arc
Version 1.1
- LocationEffect added: Atom, Fountain, Grid
Version 1.0
- Added VectorUtils, RandomUtils, MathUtils
- LocationEffects added: Cone
Version 0.5-BETA
- Tweaked some effects
- Added NMSUtil
Version 0.4-BETA
- Entity-Effects added: Shield, Trace
- Location-Effects added: Helix
Version 0.3-BETA
- Location-Effects added: Explode, Vortex
Version 0.2-BETA
- Entity-Effects added: Bleed, Flame, Jump, Love, Music, SkyRocket, Smoke
- Player-Effects added: Turn
- Location-Effects added: Music
Version 0.1-ALPHA
- Get instance of EffectLib with EffectLib.instance()
- Create new EffectManager by new EffectManager(EffectLib)
- Create new Effect with new Effect(EffectManager)
- Start Effect by Effect.start()
- Dispose EffectManager after use with EffectManager.dispose()
- All EffectManagers are disposed onDisable()