About ECommands :
ECommands is a nice and simple plugin where you can use commands that adds to your server these commands will work with almost all plugin because not the same commands check below to see what kind of commands you can and get and look at the permissions .
This plugin is recommended to admins only to freeze people for hacking / modding and mute you can mute people for breaking the rules hope you like this and would download it !.
Version 1:
5 Commands Download Now !
=== Why should i download this? ===
This plugin as no bugs at all and never will + there is loads of simple commands to use.
=== Can i suggest commands? ===
Of cause suggest what commands you would like below and i will try and do them.
=== Will This Plugin Always Work ? ===
Yes this plugin should always work.
The metrics class is not copied from Essentials!!! ECommands uses MCStats which is developed by Hidendra.
1. I did not copy from essentials.
You are a bad coder, the metrics class is just copied from Essentials.
look at the command page there will be new commands out tomorrow !
what commands are there
Please download the latest one because there is a few bugs in the first