This plugins works with 1.9!
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Easy backup is a plugin you can use to easily create server backups. It takes all your server and saves it into a single zipped file which takes up about 32% less memory then your server. You can make backups manually or you can set a timer to have it make backups automatically. This plugin will backup anything in your world container. This means if you change the file location of your worlds then it will only save what is in that folder. All backups are saved in the Backups folder in the easy backup plugin folder. The only files this plugin will NOT backup are:
- Files that this plugin does not have access to. (Some plugins lock files.)
- Files that are changing as it is backing up. (This should not happen often, but may happen.)
- The Backups folder. (You can not backup a backup being made because it will just loop forever as it tries to backup its self.)
- /backup create - Creates a backup
- /backup cancel - Cancels a backup creation that is in progress. (The file that was being made will remain until you do something with it.)
- /backup info - This gives you information about how many backups are saved and the setting in the config. It will also tell you if a backup is in progress.
- /backup autoBackup <true/false> - This will allow you to set whether or not the plugin will automatically make backups.
- /backup delay <amount> - This will set the delay in hours between each auto backup.
- /backup maxBackups <amount> - This will set how many backups will be made before it disposes of old ones. Warning any other files in the backups folder may be deleted.
- EasyBackup.backup - Gives permission to /backup
- autoBackup: false - This here is to tell the plugin whether or not it should notify you when there is a backup.
- backupDelayInHours: 1
- maxBackupsBeforeErase: 5
- lastBackup: 0 - Do not edit this. This is just for the autobackup counter to check when to make the next backup.
- debug: false - Show more information in console
- saveFolder: 'plugins/EasyBackup/Backups' - where the backups are saved. (This folder will not be backed up)
- exemptFolders: [] - Folders which will not be backed up.
If there are any error or bugs please make a ticket.
Thank you!! Awesome!!
Thank you very much for this plugin! (:
A way to let the plugin create unlimited backups would be nice.
I uploaded and older version and I will upload the newer one that fixes the /backup message when I am no longer sick.
As for the rest of that it does not do that nor will it in the future. This is EasyBackup not AdvancedBackup
I found a bug, eveerytime i enter a command in the chat, i see /backup after but the command works good ;)
Simply remove this bug please :) Is it possible to configure the backup message and use &1, &4 color code too to maximize the message customization?
Is it possible to remove logs folder from the backup? Is it possible to remove crash-report folder from the backup too? Is it possible to blacklist some folder for the backup? Is it possible to change the folder backup directory to: /backup instead of /plugin/easybackup/backup? to increase security? or change the directory folder? With custom folder, it is better to decrease hack attack or anything else because each server owner can choose a folder he want for the backup ;) Is it possible to remove: " .\ " inside the backup zip file?
If you can add these things, this make your plugin better