Easy Double Jump

Double Jump Plugin

The double jump plugin is a simple plugin to use and configure that allows players to double jump when they double click the space bar.

How to install

To install the double jump plugin simply drop the doublejump.jar in your servers plugin folder start your server and change the config generated in your config file to set a decent jump height (Change Y Vector in the config from 0.5 to something like 2.0) and you will have the ability to double jump if you are an OP

How to use

Once the double jump plugin is installed on your server all that you are required to do is press space bar twice and you will have the ability to double jump.

How to configure

Once the config.yml has been created in your plugins folder you can edit the config.yml to change who can double jump, how high they can jump and in what worlds they can double jump.

Default settings:

Y Vector: 0.5

     world: true

     yoyoew101: true

Y Vector is to change the velocity in the Y direction (How far they can jump) by default this is 0.5 which is very low and will not show a difference.

The plugin will automatically add the world your server has to the Worlds section you can change it to false to disable the plugin in that world.

The players that join your server will automatically be added to the Players list and you can choose which players can double jump. NOTE: To double jump players must have the config set to true for them and also have permission default OP

Permission Nodes

DoubleJump.CanJump Sets who can double jump


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Oct 18, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Apr 4, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License


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