This plugin only has the Portuguese language, add more languages in the future.
► This is a plugin simulation HardCore Games.◄
Plugin Features:
• Set EarlyHG Anywhere
• Several later add EarlyHG
Permissions :
• early.use - Permission to teleport the player to the location that you defined with just the standard kit
• early.vip - Permission to teleport the player to the location that you set with the VIP kit.
• early.set - Set EarlyHG <Only Owners>
Commands :
• /Early <Nome> - Teleport players to where you set.
• /SetEarly <Nome> - Sets the EarlyHG where you are.
Kits :
• Free - ►WoodSword, 30 Mushrooms Each, ChestPlate Leather and Full Soup.◄
• Vip - ►StoneSword, 64 Mushrooms Each, ChestPlate Chain and Full Soup.◄
If you want to change something add me on skype (Skype : junior.flamengo2012)