Could not load DynTrack

Could not load DynTrack

Could not load DynTrack

Could not load 'plugins\DynTrack.jar' in folder 'plugins'

Here are listed some errors that might occur, if you haven't read the installations page carefully:

UnknownDependencyException: dynmap

  • You haven't installed the plugin dynmap (correctly).

UnknownDependencyException: GuidesPlugin

  • You haven't installed the plugin Guides (correctly).

InvalidPluginException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/jdom2/JDOMException

  • There is missing a file in your DynTrack folder.
  • Follow the next steps, if you're using DynTrack 2.2b51 or earlier.
  • You can download the here.
  • Extract the
  • Paste only the jdom-2.0.5.jar in the DynTrack folder (.../plugins/dyntrack/).