For further discussion and announcements, see us on Reddit or Twitter.
A Google Maps-like map for your Minecraft server that can be viewed in a browser. Easy to set up when making use of Dynmap's integrated webserver which works out-of-the-box, while also available to be integrated into existing websites running on Apache and the like. Dynmap can render your worlds using different renderers, some suitable for performance, some for high detail.
Components allow you to add/remove functionality to make Dynmap suit your needs. Using the components Dynmap comes supplied with, there is support for chat balloons, web-to-game chat, and configurable markers, areas, and lines.
- Highly configurable maps per world
- Real-time updates: maps are kept in sync with your world in real-time, updates are shown while your leave your browser open
- Players with their faces are visible on the map
- Chat messages are visible (as balloons or in a chatbox) on the map.
- Map viewers can chat to players in-game.
- Current Minecraft time is visible on the map.
- Current Minecraft weather is visible on the map.
- WorldGuard, Residence, Towny and Factions regions that can be visible on the map (through corresponding Dynmap-* plugins)
- Overall highly configurable and customizable.
Copy dynmap-*.jar into your plugins directory. If you are upgrading, delete the previous dynmap-*.jar - you do NOT need to delete the plugins/dynmap directory or its contents.
If you are running a separate webserver (like Apache) you may need to copy the files from 'plugins/dynmap/web/' to a directory in your http-root and follow this guide. When upgrading, make sure you also upgrade the copied files.
First time use
When you start CraftBukkit, you should be able to navigate to http://yourserverip:8123/ in your browser. In case you are running CraftBukkit on the PC you are currently working on, you can navigate to http://localhost:8123/. You should be able to see the players who are in-game. Note that the map is not yet rendered, therefore the background will be black.
If you are planning on using the HD renderer, now would be a good time to do so. Enable 'deftemplatesuffix: hires' in the top of configuration.txt. More information about deftemplatesuffix is available at Base plugin settings.
If you just want to see Dynmap work, use the following command in-game: /dynmap fullrender. The wiki contains more information about commands and permissions. The map should reveal itself gradually in the browser, give it some time. Progress messages indicate that Dynmap is working and will show when the render is completed.
Dynmap Add-Ons:
Both to demonstrate the API, and to help manage the growth of this already-huge plugin, we've started producing additional plugins for Dynmap. All of these will depend on Dynmap and interface through its APIs, but only need to be added by folks that are interested in the additional function they provide:
- dynmap-mobs: Provides marker layer for real-time position of selected mobs on dynmap maps.
- dynmap-residence: Successor to the 'regions' support for Residence in Dynmap, with live update of Residence changes
- Dynmap-WorldGuard: Successor to the 'regions' support for WorldGuard in Dynmap, with live update of WorldGuard changes
- Dynmap-Towny: Successor to the 'regions' support for Towny in Dynmap, with live update of Towny changes
- Dynmap-Factions: Successor to the 'regions' support for Factions in Dynmap, with live update of Factions changes
- Dynmap-CommandBook: Add support for showing /home and /warp locations defined using CommandBook.
- Dynmap-Essentials: Add support for showing /home and /warp locations defined using Essentials.
- Dynmap-GriefPrevention: Add support for showing Grief Protection claims
- Dynmap2CraftIRC3: Integrate Dynmap's web chat with IRC via CraftIRC
- Dynmap-SimpleClans: Integrate SimpleClans with Dynmap
- Dynmap-HeroChat: Integrate HeroChat v5.5+ with Dynmap
- Dynmap-PhysicalShop
- Dynmap-pyLandmarks
- Dynmap-PreciousStones: Integrate PreciousStones with Dynmap
- Dynmap-AdminCmd: Integrate AdminCmd with Dynmap
- Dynmap-PlayerWarp
- Dynmap-Citizens: Integrate Citizens with Dynmap
Mods integrated with Dynmap:
The following mods are known to support dynmap integration without needing an add-on:
Also, for the best response to questions and such, please post comments to our main forum thread - http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1543523-dynmap-dynamic-web-based-maps-for-minecraft/. Once again, having more than one place just isn't helpful, and this is where the 'Dynmap Community' already operates.
This plugin utilizes bStats.org plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to bstats.org:
- A unique identifier
- The server's version of Java
- Whether the server is in offline or online mode
- The plugin's version
- The server's version
- The OS version/name and architecture
- The core count for the CPU
- The number of players online
- The Metrics version
Donations and Tips
Dynmap and my other mods and plugins have always been free, as I work on them as time permits and not as a job - the upside is that the price is good, the downside is they get the time I have left after working, taking care of my family, and other things!
I've set up a coffee-fund jar (I believe in the theory that software developers are machines that turn caffeine into code), for anyone who wants to throw in some tips! For Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/dynmap or for Ko-Fi https://ko-fi.com/michaelprimm
Or you could just use webchat.. http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/webchat/
needs the hd map more resources then the normal map? (makes the server lag?)
Hey can you please make a plugin which is only chat as I really like how the chat on this works?
What browser are you using and what version is it? I occasionally break the web end in chrome, but only when dragging around very fast and switching between world views rapidly.
After using dynmap for about a minute on 1337 I get a problem when clicking and dragging. The cursor turns to a 4 way arrow and I can no longer let go of the drag unless i refresh browser
issue with dynmap 0.23 on cb 1337
I get that error when doing /dynmap fullrender
Edit: I also want to point out I tried to use the 0.24 dev version to see if that fixes my issue. It is able to render but it keeps saying error trying to save hash file =\.
Using the 256x256 LB Photo Realism pack on one of my worlds for rendering at the moment. Still slamming the 4GB spout limit client side so none of my spout users can go above 64x64, but it renders amazingly in DynMap server side. Works even better if you set up multi-threading.
Could someone give me there config with a working Factions component? I can't get mine to work :/
Yes. If you still want to use the original textures also, you can create a new (TexturePackHD-)shader: https://github.com/webbukkit/dynmap/wiki/Defining-custom-shaders
I think it is a message from CraftBukkit that happens when it loads world-chunks. I'm not sure what you can do to not get those messages.
The configuration option is 'parallelrendercnt'. It should be in configuration.txt.
If you just use the simple map renderers with default settings there shouldn't be much lag.
Is it possible to use a HD Texturepack like a 64x64 ?
seems have issues with memory leaking
Does this work for 1337?
just reported memory leak in tickets
I generated my map with 1.9 and play it on 1.8, while doing a full render it'll say "skipping entity with id Villager" what does that mean?
@GameCharmer: 30gb of images!? my map is 4000x4000 blocks, at hi res how much space do you think that'll be?
Noob questions:
@GameCharmer: Where is the threadding option in the config file?
@FrozenCow2 or anyone: How do I enable to map to show the whole map, not just a square section of it?
edit: I think it didn't show the whole map because I stopped it before it finished the full render.
Thanks! ajdev27
I've only noticed lag when running full renders. Other than that, none at all. If you have multi-cores, enable threadding in the config and you should never have a single bit of lag. :)