Frequently Asked Questions

The configuration I just changed is not being used?

Use '/reload', '/dynmap reload' or restart your server. If this does not help, look in server.log for errors.

How can I host Dynmap on my webserver (which is on the same machine)?

Presuming your webserver is on the same machine as CraftBukkit is, use the guide to make Dynmap work without the internal webserver.

I don't have a webserver, how can I show the map to others?

Portforward TCP-port 8123 on your CraftBukkit server, so that everyone can visit Dynmap.

For better security, you might want to use a webserver (like Nginx) that proxies traffic to Dynmap. Do this if you know how to do so.

How can I host Dynmap on my webserver (which is on another machine)?

Portforwarding, like above, might still be a good solution. If it is impossible to portforward, or you want to offload your CraftBukkit server, you can still periodically synchronize 'plugin/dynmap/web' between CraftBukkit and your webserver using RSync or FTP. However, you won't have any of the 'real-time' features that Dynmap provides (players, map-updates, chat, etc).

If you don't mind tinkering a bit on Linux, you can still get the real-time features by using sshfs or fuseftp to mount the (remote) 'web/standalone' directory from your webserver onto your CraftBukkit server 'plugins/dynmap/web/standalone'.

How can I integrate Dynmap on my website?

Make sure Dynmap is available for anyone on a certain URL. If you've done portforwarding, this will likely be something like http://youripaddress:8123. If you've hosted Dynmap on your webserver, this will likely be something like http://yourwebsite/map/.

Then you can use an iframe to integrate Dynmap in your website. You might need some HTML knowledge, but if you're using a CMS there will likely be an option to add an iframe. The HTML-code of that iframe will look like:

<iframe src="http://youripaddress:8123/" width="800" height="600" />

How can I get high detailed maps?

You must make use of the HD renderer. To do this, simply open 'plugins/dynmap/configuration.txt' and uncomment the line:

#deftemplatesuffix: hires

So that you get:

deftemplatesuffix: hires

How can I change the order in which the worlds are shown?

Open 'plugins/dynmap/worlds.txt' and add world-sections right after the line 'worlds:' in the order you want to have them in the sidebar. You should get something like the following:

  - name: world
  - name: nether
  - name: skylands

In this example, the names of your worlds are 'world', 'nether' and 'skylands'.

How can I change the name that is shown for each world?

Open 'plugins/dynmap/worlds.txt' and add/change the world-sections right after the line 'worlds:', so that you get the following:

  - name: world
    title: "My Awesome World"
  - name: nether
    title: "My Awesome Nether"
  - name: skylands
    title: "My Awesome Skylands"

In this example, the names of your worlds are 'world', 'nether' and 'skylands'.

How can I hide a world from being listed?

Open 'plugins/dynmap/worlds.txt' and add/change the world-section for the world you want to hide. Add the value 'enabled: false' to that world-section, so that you get something like the following:

  - name: world
    title: "My Awesome World"
  - name: nether
    title: "My Awesome Nether"
    enabled: false
  - name: skylands
    title: "My Awesome Skylands"
    enabled: false

In this example both 'nether' and 'skylands' will be hidden, since they have 'enabled: false' in their world-section.

How can I remove the cave map?

Copy the appropriate template file to make a custom one. For example, copy 'plugins/dynmap/templates/normal-vlowres.txt' to 'plugins/dynmap/templates/custom-normal-vlowres.txt'. Open the copied file and remove the following section:

      - class: org.dynmap.hdmap.HDMap
        name: cave
        title: "Cave"
        prefix: ct
        perspective: iso_SE_60_lowres
        shader: cave
        lighting: default
        mapzoomin: 3

How can I hide certain players on the map?

Use the command '/dynmap hide PlayerName', where 'PlayerName' is the name of the player to hide.

How can I hide everyone except certain players?

Open 'plugins/dynmap/configuration.txt' and set 'display-whitelist' to false. This will look like:

# Treat hiddenplayers.txt as a whitelist for players to be shown on the map? (Default false)
display-whitelist: false

Now everyone is hidden. You can use '/dynmap show PlayerName' to show certain players.

How can I disable chat balloons?

Open 'plugins/dynmap/configuration.txt' and place '#' in front of the following lines:

  - class: org.dynmap.ClientComponent
    type: chatballoon
    focuschatballoons: false

So that you get:

  #- class: org.dynmap.ClientComponent
  #  type: chatballoon
  #  focuschatballoons: false

How can I enable night/day on my maps?

Copy the appropriate template file to make a custom one. For example, copy 'plugins/dynmap/templates/normal-vlowres.txt' to 'plugins/dynmap/templates/custom-normal-vlowres.txt'. Open the copied file and change all instances of the following line:

  lighting: shadows


  lighting: nightandday

Now reload the plugin and do a fullrender.


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