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UploadedJan 29, 2013
Size8.70 MB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.4.7-R0.1
- CB 1.4.6-R0.3
- CB 1.4.5-R0.2
Version 1.4:
- Add 'tileupdatedelay' setting (global, per world, or per map) - limits how often tiles that are repeatedly modified will be rendered (reduce load due to automation such as quarries, machines)
- Added TerraFirmaCraft block rendering support
- Add XyCraft block rendering support
- Major updates to Forestry and Red Power 2 block rendering support
- Improved rendering accuracy on fences and walls
- Added support for Greg's Lighting, MystCraft, ExtraBees and additional Thermal Expansion support - Thanks to HanFox and dannybear!
- [Bukkit] Fix API use issue that broke v1.2.5 support
- [Forge] Fix error with throttling of chunk loading which often causes the chunks-per-tick limit to be far exceeded (causing lag)
- Improve debug information during calls to server thread (chunk loading, etc)
- Improve parsing of Forge configuration files
- Support for IC2 Advanced Power Management (thanks to dannybear!)
- Support for IC2 Advanced Solar Panels (thanks to dannybear!)
- Support for Thermal Expansion (thanks to HanFox!)
- [Forge] Improve default world names (such as 'world/Twilight Forest')
- Add support for hiding players that have active invisibility potions (controlled by hide-if-invisiblity-potion setting)
- [Forge] Add controllable render-triggers: blockupdate, lightingupdate, chunkgenerate, chunkpopulate(v1.4.6+). Also, blockupdate-with-id triggr (blockupdate with extra logging data to track which block IDs are source of updates).
Also, performance debug trigger 'blockupdate-with-id'- same as blockupdate trigger, but shows counts by block ID and data value to determine which block types are driving changes (via /dynmap triggerstats command)
- Tune performance of chunk fetching on server thread - reduce lag
- Add support for Fancy Fences wall rendering
- Add workaround for IE10 zoom issue (force IE9 compatibility)
- Add support for reporting available dynmap version updates