Supported Bukkit Versions
- Added VERY CRAPPY version of fullmap-rendering.
- Added configuration to disable commands (fullrender and fullrenderasync are there).
- Added configuration to focus chatballoons influenced by Incendia's fix.
- Added configuration to load chunks when needed
- Fixes blue-tiles problem, but is also unstable since Bukkit is not thread-safe.
- Please don't use this option unless you really want to.
- Added better day/night algorithm as suggested by lologarithm.
- Added more colors in colors.txt by lechd.
- Made use of Firefox and IEs nearest-neighbor compositing as suggested by lechd.
- Fix for retarded IE not handling dynamic constructors.
- Fixed duplicate faces on map when disconnected.
- Fix for Bukkit compatiblity by kosiini.y kosiini.
- Made use of JSON for updates.
- Reworked the HttpServer.