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Dynmap-EssentialsX provides a simple way to add visibility of warps and home points defined with Essentials. When enabled, warps are shown on Dynmap's web maps as labelled markers (defaulting to a portal icon and the label '[warp-name]', both of which are configurable). Also, when enabled, any player defined /home locations can be shown (defaulting to a house icon and the label 'player-name(home) (or 'player-name:home-id(home)' for non-default homes)', both of which are configurable). The plugin depends on the presence of both Dynmap and Essentials, and interacts directly with the Essentials API. Updates to /home and /warp definitions are automatically processed (on a settable period - default is once per 5 minutes (300 seconds)). By default, the plugin will be active after simply installing it (by unzipping the distribution into the plugins/ directory and restarting the server), with both warps and homes being displayed.

Visibility of warps and homes can be controlled with the 'visiblemarkers' and 'hiddenmarkers' settings for each layer. Adding anything to the 'visiblemarkers' list will restrict visibility to only those listed (a blank list implies full visibility). Anything in the 'hiddenmarkers' list is then used to further reduce the markers shown. All the markers on a given world can be shown (or hidden) by including 'world:<worldname>' in the respective list.

After the first load, there will be a config.yml file in the plugins/Dynmap-Essentials directory. Details of the default configuration, and all the provided settings, can be found here

This plugin utilizes bstats.org's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to mcstats.org:

  • A unique identifier
  • The server's version of Java
  • Whether the server is in offline or online mode
  • The plugin's version
  • The server's version
  • The OS version/name and architecture
  • The core count for the CPU
  • The number of players online
  • The Metrics version


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