DynaMark - a simple dynamic market / shop
DynaMark is lets players buy and sell commodities at automatically determined prices which are based on demand.
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Public Release
Direct v0.1.1.0
Alternate Command
Direct v0.1.1.0a
- per command permission support (permission nodes)
- switch to database use
- you can still use a flat file to add large groups of commodities at once
- in game (console or play) commands "/market add" and "/market remove" are now used to manage which commodities are on the market
- MYSQL support (info)
- unspecified bug fixes
Development Bulid
Direct v0.2.0.0
Alternate Command
Direct v0.2.0.0a
- remove old broken method for config
- allow multiple names per commodity
- add commodity suggestion on misspellings
- add new config method
- allow per commodity enabling and disabling of trade-ability
- allow per commodity configuration of names
There are significant changes in the way commodity information is stored and the way in which the config file is used and its format. I have not yet written any sort of 0.1.x.x to 0.2.x.x conversion tools. As of right now, if you want to keep the commodity data (for example the current prices) which you have, you will need to look at a new database file, look at yours, and then manually convert it. I think this pretty much involves just changing the 'name' of each commodity to the appropriate 0.2.x.x format.
The change log can be found here.
Database Manipulation
For now, the easiest way to add or remove items is to use a sqlite editor. http://sourceforge.net/projects/sqlitedbrowser/ has been recomended by missingscrews. Sqliteman is my preferred alternative.
Player Commands
- /buy
- Buys an amount of the specified item
- Usage: /buy cobblestone 128
- /sell
- Sells an amount of the specified item
- /sell all
- Sells all sellabe items in your inventory
- Usage: /sell pork 7
- /price [item] [amount (optional)]
- Checks the price of a specified item
- Usage /price diamond
- /market [top | bottom | list]
- Has three uses, 'top' and 'bottom'. 'top' returns the top 10 most expensive items on the market. 'bottom' does the same for the least expensive items.
- Or 'list' to show all available items on the market
- Usage: /market top
Has it's own page now.Click Here
Longer Description
When first run, DynaMark will create a database of items which are available to sell. All items start out with a value of $10 and this will go up by $0.01 for every one of the item bought. The reverse occurs for every one of the item sold. You can modify this database as you see fit.
- Anyone is welcome to help out on the project, just do some work and make a pull request.
Donations accepted at:
- Or
http:btc.to/1qq for short
- I welcome donations that are even less than $0.01
Disregard my last post, I found them! Sorry for bothering you.
I can't seem to find the permission nodes. Can you list them for me?
I haven't yet had time to fix the problem and I have not had anyone push code to me which would fix it either.
Is there any fix to the matter yet...? It's been over a week and people are still taking advantage of the system... even if I change the name of the item to random letters so people wouldn't guess it, the whole plugin breaks.
I've created a ticked based off of your comment. This is certainly not supposed to happen.
I'll have a few questions for you in the ticket.
Not sure if its a bug or not but:
I currently have some items set on false such as Diamond Ores, Dragon Eggs, Fire, etc...however it seems whenever my server restarts, people are able to buy it until I /reload my plugins on the server, then it will say "Are you talking about: <item name>".
Why is it doing this? Its hurting my economy and people are buying items I don't want them to buy such as Dragon Eggs. Is this due to me not saving this on a MySQL database or something?
Please help or fix this, Thanks!
oh wait, derp, just saw the ticket marked "sign support." Yeah that would be awesome, thanks!
Would it be possible to add support with ChestShop so Admin Shops use the current price of the item? I have a Wal*Mart, and would love to be able to have it server some practical use after I install this...I don't want people to profit/loss by buying from either source, and obviously I can't reset the price manually every single time the price changes, for every item. Thanks!
I've made this into a ticket for further discussion.
Is it possible to restrict certain items to certain groups (permissions?). If not this would be a great feature to add. (for example I could give the node dynamark.buy.1 or dynamark.buy.stone for players to buy ONLY stone, and no other item)
Alternate Command
That is actually one of the planned features
I call it WTB/WTS as in Willing To Buy, Willing To Sell.
Can you allow people to sell items to players? E.g. /sell cobblestone 64 and it broadcasts it to the server and then someone can /buy what the player is selling.
In addition to what slixxkilla said, I also typically distribute an 'alternate command' where '/buy' is replaced by '/mbuy' and the other commands are modified in the same way. So, '/market top' would be replaced by '/mmarket top'.
You can identify alternate command version in the 'Files' section of this site by the version number. An alternate command version will have an 'a' appended to the end. Also, I usually provide a link in the plugin description.
I will release an alternate command version for the 0.2.x.x release shortly. I will reply to you with the link in a comment, and post the link in the plugin description.
you can easily change Buycraft to /donate also or anything else.
the /buy command conflicts with buycraft, is there anything you can do about this?
Ok, I've made some updates, but it's not a developed as I would like it to be, so I have labeled it a 'development' release.
For those of you who are willing and able to use the dev build, please give me plenty of feedback. (even if it is "this is <insert something like shit here>")
No, no one has offered and no one I contacted has accepted.
Has anyone offered to help pickup where you left off?
Ok, It's clear that I do not have the time to maintain DynaMark properly.
I am now asking for volunteers to help maintain the project