DynaMark - a simple dynamic market / shop
DynaMark is lets players buy and sell commodities at automatically determined prices which are based on demand.
Latest Download
Public Release
Direct v0.1.1.0
Alternate Command
Direct v0.1.1.0a
- per command permission support (permission nodes)
- switch to database use
- you can still use a flat file to add large groups of commodities at once
- in game (console or play) commands "/market add" and "/market remove" are now used to manage which commodities are on the market
- MYSQL support (info)
- unspecified bug fixes
Development Bulid
BitTorrent Direct v0.2.0.0
Alternate Command
BitTorrent Direct v0.2.0.0a
- remove old broken method for config
- allow multiple names per commodity
- add commodity suggestion on misspellings
- add new config method
- allow per commodity enabling and disabling of trade-ability
- allow per commodity configuration of names
There are significant changes in the way commodity information is stored and the way in which the config file is used and its format. I have not yet written any sort of 0.1.x.x to 0.2.x.x conversion tools. As of right now, if you want to keep the commodity data (for example the current prices) which you have, you will need to look at a new database file, look at yours, and then manually convert it. I think this pretty much involves just changing the 'name' of each commodity to the appropriate 0.2.x.x format.
The change log can be found here.
Database Manipulation
For now, the easiest way to add or remove items is to use a sqlite editor. http://sourceforge.net/projects/sqlitedbrowser/ has been recomended by missingscrews. Sqliteman is my preferred alternative.
Player Commands
- /buy
- Buys an amount of the specified item
- Usage: /buy cobblestone 128
- /sell
- Sells an amount of the specified item
- /sell all
- Sells all sellabe items in your inventory
- Usage: /sell pork 7
- /price [item] [amount (optional)]
- Checks the price of a specified item
- Usage /price diamond
- /market [top | bottom | list]
- Has three uses, 'top' and 'bottom'. 'top' returns the top 10 most expensive items on the market. 'bottom' does the same for the least expensive items.
- Or 'list' to show all available items on the market
- Usage: /market top
Has it's own page now.Click Here
Longer Description
When first run, DynaMark will create a database of items which are available to sell. All items start out with a value of $10 and this will go up by $0.01 for every one of the item bought. The reverse occurs for every one of the item sold. You can modify this database as you see fit.
- github
- Anyone is welcome to help out on the project, just do some work and make a pull request.
Donations accepted at:
- 1M8i6TWmnTfWCuTQJMQUkX8xJbCEctaXkF
- Or http:btc.to/1qq for short
- I welcome donations that are even less than $0.01
Yeah, well, now that the plugin has fallen into a state of disrepair, there are, in fact, two exploits which are very easy to use.
1) Via metadata, you can sell an item and get the money without removing it from your inventory.
2) Buying too many of one thing at once can cause the item to go into "negative" value, meaning it will always be at the lowest value unitl you manually change it in the config file.
You left this plugin out to rot and us server owners have to deal with it because there is no other plugin as simple as yours, as far as I have seen
Hello fellow fans of this once great but now broken plugin!
I have created a new plugin based on what this one did!
It is called UltiMarket.
NEWS: It is now up on BukkitDev! You can go and download it! :D http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/ultimarket/
This post has been approved by the creator of DynaMark.
Almost all items (within reason) can be bought and sold, and every transaction increments the price of the item by an amount set in the config, just like DynaMark used to do.
I used to use DynaMark all the time in my server, and when it broke, I was very disappointed. I looked for alternative plugins but they were all either broken, overcomplicated, or had static prices. This has annoyed me for about a year, and now that I know Java, I decided to create my own Dynamic Market plugin.
UltiMarket is easy to use, exploitless, and completely customisable. I made it with this plugin in mind, trying to re-create what made this plugin great, whilst also improving some parts of it which weren't so great, along with adding other nice features which you can turn off and on at will. You can use many aliases for blocks for example. Even the price change amount doesn't have to be static, (if you choose) you can make it randomly select a price change amount per purchase if you wish. You can even make it drop the price of a random item by a random percentage every so often and announce it! It will also announce the most expensive item every so often. ALL the whistles and bells are able to be turned on or off at will.
This is the first plugin where I've received no algorithmic help from anyone, and I think I've had a bloody good crack at it. Judge for yourself by downloading my plugin :P
I hope this warms the hearts of those of you, like me, who used to love this plugin, and I thank @smickles profusely for the entire inspiration for UltiMarket.
Indeed it would, 'twas an epic plugin.
It would be great if someone could update this plugin.
Also, if someone begins updating or improving this. I will keep the information up to date and contributers will be credited, and added into project management here, and be given a fair share of any donations.
Go right ahead, iirc I've given it a GPL license.
Might I suggest that you push updates to the github repository. So that others can have easy access to it too.
I could update this plugin, but actual developer must agree with that.
Can someone please update this plugin? I can eventually give the new developer about $1-10 if they want to take over (not sure, I suppose it depends on the result the developer gets).
is this inactive? could someone maybe update it because it no longer works :(
[Feature request] Hey smickles, great plugin - on my server we like to be able to gradually give access when the players grow in level (ranks), so my question is if you have any plans on adding permission support pr item,
So i can set up that my rank 1 only can sell basic items, stone/sand/dirt etc. but my rank 5´s, can buy and sell anything.
Hey smickles sorry for the late reply, I'll see what i can do regarding code. as for donations, don't worry about it and count me out :)
OOO! thats why. I was doing this on my test server! Thanks
I don't see Vault loading in your startup, is it installed?
got an error while enabling.
That section of code was written with the concern of getting it working first. So, as a result, the concern for the chosen name to be displayed for the
/market top|bottom
command was not then, and has not yet been written in.If you write up a ticket for the issue, it should be fixed eventually. Or get it fixed yourself. If you submit a fix for anything I'll give you full credit and a portion of any donations that come in. (but it's not like we really get any donations here ):
oh ok, thanks!
How about the naming system. I see the "commodities" file, but on the /mmarket top | bottom, i see weird names. How can i tell which name in the commodity file will be shown on top and bottom lists? I don't know if this is a pattern, but it seems to be always the third one showing.
/market list
command is broken. There are now so many commodities on 'the list' by default that it requires paging to display properly and this is as yet uncoded.Everything works now, except "/mmarket list", which was in the previous version, but doesn't work anymore. Maybe this isn't an error, and the feature was taken out. Either way, console error while computing "mmarket list" ::
Never mind, i think i have a corrupted database. T_T that took a lot of time just to edit them!
2012-05-26 14:02:41 [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling DynaMark v0.2.0.0a (I
s it up to date?)
at me.smickles.DynamicMarket.DynamicMarket.setupAliases(DynamicMarket.ja
at me.smickles.DynamicMarket.DynamicMarket.onEnable(DynamicMarket.java:9
at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(JavaPlugin.java:215)
at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManage
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(CraftServer.java:256)
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins(CraftServer.java:238
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.t(MinecraftServer.java:372)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(MinecraftServer.java:359)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(MinecraftServer.java:188)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:423)
at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:492)
I edited the database recently, and received this error. What's the problem?